(Tips) How To Preparing Science Paper?

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How To Preparing Science Paper?




1. Keep the text on your table.


2. REad and memorise the Title of your book.


3. Find out the number of the pages the book contain.


4. Go to CONTENT page, FIND out the numbered topics, memorise the names of the topics. Write down on a paper the names of the Topic/units and the pagea numbers. Practice and memorise, explain to your mother or father or to any one how many topics are there and the number of pages.


5. Count the number of diagrams/figures/flow diagrams contained in each chapter and visualize the diagram and what is it about. Revise this technique several times. once you understand this technique your memory brings you all the informataion contained in the visual.


6. Make a summary chaart point wise for all the chapters and make it availabe to you in your pocket/bag. READ and memorise while you are going in the bus/or at the dining table or at any place. REvise/repeat/visulaise. Chapter number.Deagrams .Number of points. You feel confident that you now know all that contained in the book for your exams.


Courtesy : Onlineteachers.co.in