(Presentation) Quick Guide with Linux Command Line
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Presentation : Quick Guide with Linux Command Line
Description :
1. Quick Guide Linux Command Line Anuchit Chalothorn
2. About ? Senior Software Engineer @ SIPA ? Fedora Ambassador @ Fedora Project ? Ubuntu LocoTeam @ Ubuntu Club
3. Linux? ? Operating System ? “Linux” = Linux kernel ? Linus Torvalds develop Linux kernel ? More than 10,000 developers around the world ? Release under GNU/GPL Version 2.0
4. Why command line ? Hardware Kernel Shell
5. Shell chabu@pirate:~$ root@pirate:~# ** file and directory is case sensitive **
6. Basic Command $command <option> Eg: ls -la ** use TAB to complete command **
7. Basic Command ? whoami show who you are ? ls list file & directory ? cp copy file
8. Basic Command ? cd change to $HOME directory ? cd somedir change to somedir ? pwd show current directory
9. Basic Command ? mv move or rename file & directory ? touch filename create blank file ? cat filename view content in file
10. Basic Command ? ps list the process ? pstree list the process as tree ? cat filename view content in file
11. Basic Command ? tar myfile.tar myfile create archive file .tar ? gzip myfile create archive file .gz ? tar zxvf myfile.tar.gz myfile create archive in tar then gzip
12. Pipe and Direction ? Pipe | combined shell command ? Direction >,<, >> sent out put, sent input ? Step Command line ; run more command in 1 line
13. Pipe & Direction ? ls -la | more list all file in current directory with page break ? ls -la > mylistfile.txt list all fire in current directory and save the result to mylistfile.txt ? cat mylistfile.txt > mylistfile2.txt list content and sent to mylistfile2.txt
14. Pipe & Direction ? touch mylistfile3.txt ? echo “Hello World” > mylistfile3.txt ? echo “My name is Anuchit.ch” >> mylisyfile3.txt
15. Editor in Command Line ? vim or vi ? pico ? nano ? mcedit
16. Advance Command Line Combine shell script with basic command or shell programming...
17. Q&A
18. CC-BY-SA