(Tips) Some Easy Steps To Increase Your Concentration Power
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Some Easy Steps To Increase Your Concentration Power
The power of concentration is a skill that is easy to master, that is if you have the willpower to do so. “If there is a will, there is a way” according to one saying, the same goes with concentration. The question therefore remains, “How does one basically maintain focus and concentration?”
The following are helpful tips to improve your ability to concentrate in the best way possible. These suggestions apply whether you are in the office busy with work, school, business meeting, or if you are trying to finish a particular project.
Do five more
There are actually two types of people in the world: those who know how to eliminate frustration and those who wish they are able to work through it. Focus and concentrate on doing just five more things. This sort of mantra is best said when you feel like giving up. For instance, if you feel like you no longer want to read or write any more pages, tell yourself to do just five pages more. Finish just five more math questions. Stay five minutes more on the treadmill. Take note that athletes build their own physical prowess by pushing their bodies to the point of exhaustion while they develop mental stamina.
Take one step at one time
There are instances when you feel like your mind is loaded with many ideas like that of a scatterbrain. The key is to control your brain. Rather than worrying on many matters, prioritize tasks and do only those that are needed. For instance, you cannot help but think of mounting debt problems and this causes you to lose focus on the presentation you need to do in five minutes. Tell your mind that you will think of ways to pay off your bills after your presentation. Your mind will then establish closure and allow you to focus on the presentation.
Train yourself to have tunnel vision
You can actually cup your hands around your own eyes. This may serve as a trigger to tell your mind to focus on a particular responsibility. For example, you are in a room and you need to study but there are many things preventing you from concentrating. Cupping your hands around your eyes may help your brain switch to focus mode and keep it on its track.
Have a handy pad
When a thought pops into your head and causes you to lose focus, jot down this thought immediately. Writing it down is an effective way to get it out of your mind. After which, consciously focus on the task that you need to accomplish at the moment.
Take a break
Remember that you are not a machine. You need to take a break to continue focusing on the task at hand. Taking breaks is a good way to break down the tasks into parts that are a lot more manageable.You can take a walk or eat lunch out.
Record your start and end times
When doing work, try to record the time you began and the time when you mind begins to drift. Doing so helps you know just how much time you spent doing actual work and the time when you started losing your concentration.
Vary your activities
It is advisable to vary the activities you do in order to keep your mind active and not bored. A bored mind will just easily float and drift away to oblivion. All in all, these activities and tips need to be practiced regularly for you to concentrate and focus on the things that really matter most for you.
By: Jeff Cohen
Credits: SolveYourProblem.com