CBSE Admission in Class XI after Grading System 2010
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CBSE Admission in Class XI after Grading System
Class XI Admission
In this system, student’s performance shall be assessed using conventional numerical marking mode, and the same shall then be converted into the grades on the basis of the pre-determined marks ranges. Accordingly, the “Statement of Subject wise Performance” issued by the Board for Class X 2010 examination shall have only grades. The schools affiliated to the Board have also been directed to introduce the above Grading Scheme in the evaluation of their students in class IX under the scheme of Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) wef academic year 2009-10
1 Operational Modalities followed for implementation of grading
scheme shall be :
1.1 The student’s performance shall be assessed using conventional method
of numerical marking.
1.2 The ‘Grades’ shall be awarded to indicate the subject wise performance.
1.3 Subject wise Grades and Grade Point (GP) shall be shown in the
“Statement of Subject wise Performance” to be issued to all candidates.
The candidates shall also be provided CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) excluding additional 6th subject as per Scheme of Studies in the “Statement of Subject wise Performance”
An indicative equivalence of Grade Point and percentage of marks can be
computed as follows :
Subject wise indicative percentage of marks =9.5x GP of the subject Overall
indicative percentage of marks =9.5x CGPA
1.4 Over all and Subject-wise percentile score at the National level can also be provided to the schools on demand. The school may register for same at
1.5 The practice of declaring Compartment/ Fail shall be discontinued.
The overall result in the “Statement of Subject wise Performance” shall be shown as :
Eligible for Qualifying Certificate or Eligible for Improvement of Performance.
1.6 Those candidates who obtain the qualifying grades ( minimum grade D ) in all the subjects excluding 6th Additional subject as per Scheme of Studies shall be awarded a Qualifying Certificate. Those who get Qualifying Certificates shall be eligible for admission in higher classes. Those candidates who are not able to get minimum grades D in all the subjects excluding 6th Additional subject as per Scheme of Studies shall not be permitted for admission in higher classes.
1.7 Those candidates who have obtained grade E1 or E2 in one or more subjects excluding 6th Additional subject as per Scheme of Studies shall have to improve their performance in these subjects. Such candidates shall have option for improvement of their performance through subsequent five attempts.
For example, a candidate who appeared in Board’s examination in March 2010 can appear for Improvement of Performance in July 2010 (1st Chance), March 2011 (2nd Chance), July 2011 (3rd Chance), March 2012 (4th Chance) and July 2012 (5th Chance) only in subjects where he/she has got grade E1 or E2 till he/she gets grades (D and above) in all the subjects excluding 6th Additional subject as per Scheme of Studies and becomes eligible for award of Qualifying Certificate.
Those candidates who had appeared as a Regular candidate from a School in March, 2010 examination and are eligible for Improvement of Performance shall send their application through school only for 1st Chance in July, 2010. Those candidates who are eligible for 2nd / 3rd /4th /5th chance for Improvement of Performance shall appear as Private candidates only.
Those candidates who are eligible for Improvement of Performance for 1st/ 2nd / 3rd /4th /5th chance and wish to appear for the whole examination may, however, appear as regular candidates also if admitted by the school as regular students.
The schools affiliated with the Board follows different practices suitable to their own context. They may continue to do so. However, in view of demand by a number of schools, illustrative guidelines for deciding combination of subjects at Class XI are given below :
The admission can be based on CGPA (overall indicative percentage of marks) and subject wise GP (subject wise indicative percentage of marks).
In case of tie in CGPA (overall indicative percentage of marks ), the inter-se-merit of such candidates may be determined in order of preference based on subject wise Grade Point (subject wise indicative percentage of marks).
For Example:
Incase of two or more candidates obtaining equal CGPA (overall indicative percentage of marks ), the inter-se-merit of such candidates may be determined as follows :
(a) For Science based Courses : Candidates obtaining higher CGPA (indicative percentage of marks) in one compulsory language (Better of English/ Hindi), Mathematics and Science
(b) For Commerce based Courses with Mathematics : Candidates obtaining higher CGPA (indicative percentage of marks) in one compulsory language (Better of English/ Hindi), Mathematics and Science/ Social Science
(c) For Commerce based Courses without Mathematics : Candidates obtaining higher CGPA (indicative percentage of marks) in one compulsory language (Better of English/ Hindi), Science and Social Science
(d) For Humanities based Courses : Candidates obtaining higher CGPA (indicative percentage of marks) in one compulsory language (Better of English/ Hindi), Social Science and 2nd Language
The above example is only illustrative and not exhaustive.
2 Format of “Statement of Subject wise Performance” issued to the candidates is available at All Heads of the schools are advised to explain the above scheme in detail to the parents, teachers and students specially those in Class X to create awareness and sensitization.