Broadband Connectivity in Schools | ICT in Schools
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Broadband Connectivity in Schools
Under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme “Information and Communication Technology in Schools” there is a provision for internet connectivity including broadband in Government and Government aided secondary and higher secondary schools subject to availability of telecom infrastructure in the vicinity and based on viable proposals from the State Government.
The Rural Wire-line Broadband Scheme of Department of Telecommunication, there is provision for providing broadband connectivity to individual users and Government Institutions, including schools in rural and remote areas. Under the Scheme, BSNL plans to provide 8,88,832 wire-line broadband connections to individual users and Government Institutions, including schools, and will set up 28.672 kiosks over a period of 5 years i.e. by 2014. As of May 2010, a total of 1,42,906 broadband connections have been provided in rural and remote areas.
Under the Centrally Sponsored Plan Scheme “National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT)”, there is a proposal to provide broadband connectivity to over 18000 colleges in the country including each of the Departments of 419 Universities/Institutions of higher learning by the end of the 11th Five Year Plan.
Source and Courtesy: PIB (Press Information Bureau)