(Download) CBSE: Class XII Sample Paper: 2012 - Carnatic Music

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Sample Paper – 2012
Class – XII
Subject – Carnatic Music

Note:-> All Questions Carry Equal Marks.

  1. Explain what is Korvai. Illustrate your answer with a Korvai said to Adi Tala other than Chaturasragati.
  2. Discuss the construction and playing techniques of either Ghatam or Mridangam.
  3. Briefly explain the details about laya and percussion instruments discussed in Sangita Ratnakara or Chaturdandi Prakasikh
  4. Describe a short-life sketch and contribution of Tanjore Vaidyanatha Iyer.
  5. Write a essay on Tala Vadya ensemble.
  6. Explain the musical form pallavi mentioning all the technical aspects associated with it.
  7. Give a detailed account of the construction structure and playing techniques of any one of the upa pakka vadyam.

Courtesy:  cbse.nic.in