(Press Release) Post Exam CBSE Annual Counselling May 2012
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Central Board of Secondary Education
In an attempt to overcome Post Result Stress and anxieties of students and parents, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) announces the Second phase (post exam) of counselling, which will begin from 24th May and continue till 7th June. This is the 15th consecutive year that CBSE will be providing counselling services to students and parents to overcome Post exam related common problems and general Quarries.
The Highlights of CBSE Helpline
The CBSE counselling is an outreach programme which is carefully designed keeping the heterogeneity of student’s population and geographical spread. Multiple modes of communication such as-
- Telephonic counseling,
- Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) and
- CBSE website will be provided to reach out to more and more examinees during this phase.
CBSE Tele counselling is largely offered by trained counsellors and Principals from within CBSE affiliated schools located in and outside India. It is a voluntary, free of cost service provided by the participants.
Like every year CBSE has re-launched its post exam helpline service to help and motivate the students, give Post exam-related answer and general queries of students. The telephonic counselling would be active between 8 am to Mid Night from 24th May to 7th June 2012.
CBSE Helpline: Participating counselors from India and Abroad
This year 50 experts including Principals, trained counsellors from CBSE affiliated government and private schools and few psychologists are participating in Tele-Counselling and will address Post Result related psychological problems of the students and parents.
- 10 counselors from outside India including Japan, Kuwait, Doha-Qatar and Saudi Arabia U.A.E Khobar are participating in this program
Centralized Toll Free Access in India
In 2010, CBSE introduced a ‘Centralized Access System’ (CAS) similar to that of a call centre. For better accessibility and convenience of the students a toll free number 1800 180 3456 will be functional for CBSE helpline service. Students can dial this toll free number from any part of the country and get in touch with operator for general queries related to result or with counselors for one to one telephonic counselling from 8 am up to mid-night.
Counselling for Specially Abled Children
Continuing from 2009, this year also CBSE has arranged counselling facility for Specially Abled Children to take care of the needs and anxiety of special children after their exam result.
IVRS: Interactive Voice Response System
First to be introduced by any Board of Education in the country, CBSE has made a unique effort to provide Tele-counselling through Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) mode which will be answered on 1800-180-3456.
Techniques to cope with Post Result related anxiety are also provided at the CBSE website www.cbse.nic.in by accessing icon Helpline.
Website: www.cbse.nic.in
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Courtesy: cbse.nic.in