(CBSE) SGAI: Frequently Asked Questions in English

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CBSE: Student Global Aptitude Index (SGAI)


Question 1: What is an “Aptitude”?
Answer: Aptitude is one’s inherent capacity, talent or ability (to do something). It is innate or acquired capacity or ability to do something well, especially one that can be further developed for learning and proficiency in a specific area or discipline.

Question 2: What is the difference between Ability and Aptitude?
They sound alike, but are vastly different...
An individual may have acquired the necessary experience in order to have an ability to complete a task, but not an aptitude for it. Aptitude refers to possessing more of a natural talent for a task, even if that talent is not yet fully developed.

Question 3: What is an aptitude test and what are its benefits?
Answer: Aptitude testing is a student-friendly, universally accepted mode of rating capabilities for a particular activity. Aptitude tests are known to be reliable predictors of future scholastic achievement. Aptitude tests are beneficial for a number of reasons...

*Aptitude tests can actually highlight areas of potential talent, in some cases, aptitudes the individual may not even aware of.

*The results of the tests help the individual to set up a career plan, by clearly identifying ones skills, strengths and weaknesses.

*It also assists individuals in making future educational choices. It's much better to go into the classroom with the knowledge that one possesses both the interest and the aptitude to succeed in the chosen subjects.

Question 4: What is meant by CBSE SGAI (Student’s Global Aptitude Index)?
CBSE SGAI is a test specifically designed to assess the student’s aptitude, personality and interests at the end of class X. It is a simple paper & pencil assessment based on basic knowledge.

Q5. What is meant by “Global”?
Ans. It is called ‘Global” because it helps in mapping various aptitudes, personality and interests to provide a holistic or ‘global’ assessment.

Q6. Who can participate in CBSE SGAI? How?
Ans. Any interested student studying in class X in a CBSE affiliated school can register through his/her school only.

Q7. What is the registration fee for CBSE SGAI (Students Global Aptitude Index)?
Ans. The registration fee for CBSE SGAI is ` 100 per student only.

Q8. Is end of Class X the best time to take this Test?
Ans. The test should be taken by a student at the end of class X when the concept of career starts developing in young minds.

Q9. Is there any negative marking pass/fail in this test?
Ans. No, there is no negative marking or pass/ fail in the assessment of this test.

Q10. Is it compulsory for a student to take this test?
Ans. No, CBSE SGAI is an optional activity. However, it is advisable for the benefit of a student to take this test as it will empower a student to gain insight into his/ her aptitude, personality and interests which may help him/her to make suitable subject choices in Class XI.

Q11. When is CBSE SGAI held?
Ans. Every year, CBSE SGAI is held around the 3rd -4th week of January. The schools have to register themselves in the month of September and the information related to registration is given on CBSE website.

Q12. Does CBSE SGAI require any special preparation?
Ans. No, The CBSE SGAI does not require any preparation. It is a simple Paper and Pencil test.

Q13. What is the duration of the CBSE- SGAI?
Ans. Entire CBSE- SGAI can be completed in approximately 1 to 1 ½ hours, along with other formalities such as booklet distribution and collection etc.

Q14. Is there a common centre for taking CBSE SGAI?
Ans. No, school that register or opt for SGAI conduct the assessment on designated date individually as self-centres.

Q15. What are the pre-requisites of taking CBSE SGAI?
Ans. There are hardly any pre-requisites for taking this simple test. However it is very important for a child to be mentally prepared and take the test with all sincerity.

SGAI scores may depend upon child’s environmental stimulus and motivation level.

Q16. Are there any guides or reference books available in the market to prepare for this test?
Ans. No, SGAI assessment does not require any special preparation except for mental preparedness and sincerity on the part of the student. The board has prepared support material for teachers, students and parents to educate and popularise the concept.

Q17. What are the benefits of CBSE SGAI?
Ans. The most important benefit of CBSE SGAI for the student is the knowledge and understanding of aptitudes in certain areas. This may help a student to make realistic decisions while making subjects choices in class XI.

Q18. Is aptitude testing the only indicator of a child’s future scholastic achievement?
Ans. The reliability of aptitude tests is known to be high. Still parents and students should not use this assessment alone. SGAI score along with student’s assessment from other sources help the students and parents in making realistic decisions about their future choices. SGAI is only a facilitator.

Courtesy: cbse.nic.in

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