(Download) ICSE: Class XII Syllabus - 2013 "Mathematics"

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ICSE (Class XII)
Syllabus (2013)

Subject: Mathematics

There will be one paper of three hours duration of 100 marks. The syllabus is divided into three sections A, B and C. Section A is compulsory for all candidates. Candidates will have a choice of attempting questions from either Section B or Section C.

Section A (80 marks) will consist of 9 questions. Candidates will be required to answer Question 1(compulsory) and five out of the rest of the eight questions.

Section B/C (20 marks) Candidates will be required to answer two questions out of three from either Section B or Section C.


1. Determinants and Matrices

  • Determinants

  • Matrices

2. Boolean Algebra

3. Conics

(i) Parabola

(ii) Ellipse

(iii) Hyperbola

4. Inverse Trigonometric Function

5. Calculus

  • Differential Calculus

  • Integral Calculus

6. Correlation and Regression

7. Probability

8. Complex Numbers

9. Differential Equations


10. Vectors

11. Co-ordinate geometry in 3-Dimensions

  • Lines

  • Planes

12. Probability


13. Discount

14. Annuities

15. Linear Program

16. Application of derivatives in Commerce and Economics in the following

17. Index numbers and moving averages

Courtesy: cisce.org

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