(Download) ICSE: Class XII Syllabus - 2013 "Geometrical & Building Drawing"
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ICSE (Class XII)
Syllabus (2013)
Subject: Geometrical & Building Drawing
There will be one paper of 3 hours duration of 100 marks.
Building Drawing
Candidates will be required to answer all questions.
The course on Building Drawing should be based on the form and construction
of simple buildings and parts of buildings; small dwelling houses (single and
two storey), garages, sheds and green-houses.
Orthographic projection in either First or Third Angle projection, including
sectional views of buildings and parts of buildings and building details, e.g.
foundations, walls (including openings), jambs, sills, lintels and arches,
floors and roofs, doors and windows, simple stairs.
Preparation of simple working drawings and details from free-hand sketches.
Free-hand sketching on both orthographic and pictorial form of simple building details and tools used in the various building crafts and school workshops such as hammer, mallet, tri - square, plane chisel, trowel, screwdriver and the like.
Drawing paper (folded) will be provided but candidates may use any type of drawing paper for answering the question provided it is of suitable quality and of the correct size.
Courtesy: cisce.org