(Syllabus) IAIPMT Examination : Biology (Botany & Zoology)
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Syllabus : IAIPMT Examination (National Level Entrance Exam)
(Botany & Zoology)
Unit :1
Living World
Nature and scope of Biology. Methods of
Biology. Our place in the universe. Laws that govern the universe and life.
Level of organisation. Cause and effect relationship.
Being alive-what does it mean? Present approach to
understand life processes-molecular approach; life as an expression of energy;
steady state and homeostatsis; self duplication and survival; adaptation; death
as a positive part of life. An attempt to define life in the above.
Origin of life and its maintenance. Origin and
diversity of life. Physical and chemical principles that maintain life
processes, the living crust and interdependence. The positive and negative
aspects of progress in biological sciences. The future of the living world,
identification of human responsibility in shaping our future.
Unit : 2
of Life
Cell as a unit of life. Small biomolecules;
water, minerals, mono and oligosaccharides, lipids, amino acids, nucleotides and
their chemistry, cellular location and function. Macromolecules in cells-their
chemistry, cellular location and functional significance. Polysaccharides,
proteins and nucleic acids. Enzymes; chemical nature, classification, mechanism
in action-enzyme complex, allosteric modulation (brief), irreversible
activation. Biomembranes.
Fluid mosaic model of membrane in transport
recognition of external information (brief). Structural organisation of the
cell; light and electron microscopic views of cell, its organelles and their
functions; Nucleus mitochondria, chloroplasts, endoplasmic reticulum. Golgi
complex, Lysosomes, microtubules, cell wall, cilia and flagella, vacuoles, cell
inclusions. A general account of cellular respiration. Fermentation, biological
oxidation (A cycle outline), mitochondrial electron transport chain, high energy
bonds and oxidative phosphorylation, cell reproduction; Process of mitosis and
Unit : 3
of Life
Introduction. The enormous variety of living things, the need for
classification to cope with this variety; taxonomy and phylogeny; shortcoming of
a two kingdom classification as plants and animals; a five kingdom
Monera, Protista, Plantae, Fungi and Animalia. The basic features of five
kingdom classification; modes of obtaining nutrition-autotrophs and
heterotrophs. Life styles producers, consumers and decomposers, Unicellularity
and multicellularity phylogenetic relationships. Concepts of species, taxon and
categories-hierarchical levels of classification; biomial nomenclature;
principles of classification and nomenclature; identification and nature of
viruses and bacteriophages and organisms. Kingdom Moera-archeabacteria - life in
extreme environments; Bacteria, actinomycetes, Cyanobacteria. Examples of
illustrate autotrophic and heterotrophic life style; mineralizer-nitrogen
fixers; Monera in cycling matter; symbiotic forms; disease producers.
Kingdom Protista-Eucarytoic unicellular organisms; development of flagella and
cilia; beginning of mitosis; syngamy and sex. Various life styles shown in the
major phyla. Evolutionary precursors of complex life forms. Diatoms,
dinoflagellates, slime moulds, protozons; symbiotic forms. Plant kingdom-
complex autotrophs, red brown and green algae; conquest of land, bryophytes,
ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms. Vascularization; development of flower,
fruit and seed. Kingdom fungi-lower fungi (Zygomycetes) higher fungi;
(Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes); the importance of fungi. Decomposers;
parasitic forms; lichens and mycorrhizae, Animal kingdom-animal body pattern and
symmetry. The development of body cavity in invertebarate and vertebrate phyla.
Salient feature with reference to habitat and example of Phyla-Porifera,
Coelenterata, Helminths, Annelids, Mollusca, Arthopoda, Echinoderms;
chordata-(classes-fishes, amphibians, reptilies, birds and mammals) highlighting
major characters.
Unit : 4
and Environment
Species : Origin and concept of species,
population; interaction between environment and population. Community, Biotic
community, interaction between different species, biotic stability, changes in
the community. succession. Ecosystem; Interaction between biotic and abiotic
components; major ecosystems, man made ecosystem-Agrocosystem. Biosphere; flow
of energy, trapping of solar energy, energy pathway, food chain, food web,
biogeochemical cycles, calcium and sulphur, ecological imbalance and its
consequences. Conservation of natural resources; renewable and non-renewable (in
Water and land management, wasteland development. Wild
life and forest conservation; causes for the extinction of some wild life, steps
taken to conserve the remaining species, concept of endangered species-Indian
examples, conservation of forest; Indian forests, importance of forests, hazards
of deforestation, afforestation. Environmental pollution; air and water
pollution, sources, major pollutants of big cities of our country, their effects
and methods of control, pollution due to nuclear fallout and waste disposal,
effect and control, noise pollution; sources and effects.
Unit : 5
: Structure and Function - Plant Life
Form and function. Tissue system in flowering plants,
meristematic and permanent. Minerals nutrition-essential elements, major
functions of different elements, passive and active uptake to minerals. Modes of
nutrition, transport of solutes and water in plants, Photosynthesis;
photochemical and biosynthetic phases, diversity in photosynthetic pathways,
photosynthetic electron transport and photophosphoryliation, photorespiration.
Transpiration and exchange of gases. Stomatal mechanism. Osmoregulation in
plants; water relations in plant cells, water potential.
Reproduction and development in Angiosperms plants;
asexual and sexual. Structure and functions of flower: development of male and
female gametophytes in angiosperms, pollination, fertilization and development
of endosperm, embryo seed and fruit. Differentiation and organ formation. Plant
hormones and growth regulation; action of plant hormones in relation to seed
dormancy and germination, apical dominance, senescence and abscission.
Applications of synthetic growth regulators. A brief account of growth and
movement in plants.
Unit : 6
: Structure and Function - Animal Life
Animal tissues, epithelial, connective, muscular,
nerve. Animal nutrition; organs of digestion and digestive process, nutritional
requirements for carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins :
nutritional imbalances and deficiency disease. Gas exchange and transport :
Pulmonry gas exchange and organs involved, transport of gases in blood, gas
exchange in aqueous media. Circulation : closed and open vascular systems,
structure and pumping action of heat, arterial blood pressure, lymph. Excretion
and osomoregulation. Ammonotelism, Ureotelism, excertion of water and urea with
special reference to man.
Role of kidney in regulation of plasma, osmolarity on
the basis of nephron structure, skin and lungs in excretion. Hormonal
coordination; hormones of mammals, role of hormones as messengers and
regulators. Nervous coordination : central autonomic and peripheral nervous
systems, receptors, effectors, reflex action, basic physiology of special
senses, integrative control by neuroendocrinal systems. Locomotion; joints,
muscle movements, types of skeletal muscles according to types of movement,
basic aspects of human skeleton. Reproduction; human reproduction, female
reproductive cycles. Embryonic development in mammals (upto three germs layers),
growth, repair and ageing.
Unit : 7
of Life
Heredity and variation : Introduction, Mendel's
experiments with peas and idea of factors. Mendel's law of inheritance. Genes :
Packaging of heredity material in prokaryetes-bacterial chromosome; plasmid and
eukaryote chromosomes. Extranuclear genes, viral genes. Linkage (genetic) maps.
Sex determination and sex linkage. Genetic material and its replication, gene
manipulation. Gene expression; genetic code, transcription, translation, gene
regulation. Molecular basis of differentiation.
Unit : 8
and Evolution of Life
Origin of life : Living and non-living,
chemical evolution, organic evolution; Oparin ideas, Miller-Urey experiments.
Interrelationship among living organisms and evidences of evolution :
fossilrecords including geological time scale, Morphological evidence -
Hemology, vestigeal organs, embryological similarities and biogeographical
Darwin's two major contributions. Common origin of
living organisms and recombination as sources of variability, selection acts
upon variation, adaptation (Ledergerg's replica plating experiment for indirect
select of bacterial mutants), reproductive isolation, speciation. Role of
selection change and drift in determining composition of population. Selected
examples : industrial melanism; drug resistance, mimicry, malaria in relation to
G-6-PD deficiency and sickle cell disease. Human evolution : Palcontological
evidence, man's place among mammals. Brief idea of Dryopithecus,
Australopithecus, home erectus, H. neadnderthlensis, Cromagnon man and homo
sapiens. Human chromosomes, similarity in different racial groups. Comparison
with chromosomes of nonhuman primates to indicate common origin; Cultural vs.
biological evolution.
Mutation-Their role is speciation. Their origin in
speciation, their origin in organisms (This concept to be taught along with
Darwin's concepts of evolution).
Unit : 9
of Biology
Introduction, Role of Biology in the amelioration of human problems.
Domestication of plant-a historical account, improvement of crop plants;
Principles of plant breeding and plant introduction. Use of fertilizers and
economic and ecological aspects.
Use of pesticides : advantages and hazards. Biological methods of pest
control. Crops today. Current concerns, gene pools and genetic conservation.
Underutilized crops with potential uses of oilseeds, medicines, beverages,
spices, fodder. New crops-Leucaena (Subabul), Jojoba, Guayule, winged bean, etc.
Biofertilisers-green manure, crop residues and nitrogen fixation (symbiotic, non
symbiotic). Applications of tissue culture and genetic engineering in crops.
Domestication and introduction of animals. Livestock, poultry, fisheries (fresh
water, marine, aquaculture).
Improvement of animals : principles of animal breeding. Major animal
diseases and their control. Insects and their products (silk, honey, wax and
lac). Bioenergy-biomass, wood (combustion, gasification, ethanol). Cow dung
cakes, gobar gas, plants as sources of hydrocarbons for producing petroleum,
ethanol from starch and lignocellulose. Biotechnology, a brief historical
account-manufacture of cheese, yoghurt, alcohal, yeast, vitamins, organic acids,
anti-biotics, steroids, dextrins. Scalling up laboratory findings to Industrial
production. Production of insulin, human growth hormones, interferon.
Communicable diseases including STD and diseases spread through ‘blood
transfusion (hepatitis, AIDS, etc.) Immune response, vaccines and antisera.
Allergies and Inflammations.
Inherited diseases and dysfunctions, sex-linked diseases, genetic
incompatibilities, and genetic counselling. Cancer-major types., causes,
diagnosis and treatment. Tissue and organ transplantation. Community health
services and measures. Blood banks, Mental health, smoking, alcoholism and drug
addiction-physiological symptoms and control measures. Industrial wastes,
toxicology, pollution-related diseases. Biomedical engineering - spare parts for
man, instruments for diagnosis of diseases and care. Human population related
diseases. Human population growth problems and control, inequality between
sexes-control measures; test-tube babies, amniocentesis. Future of Biology.