(Notification) CBSE : National Adolescence Education Programme - 2012
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National Adolescence Education Programme
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has been organizing Adolescence Education Programme (AEP) under the directives of MHRD since 2005. The Board is implementing AEP training programme in independent schools affiliated to the Board. AEP was launched to address Adolescents needs especially in relation to their Health concerns and for the holistic development of their personality.
India has about 225 million adolescents in the age group of 10-19 years, this is a largest ever group of people to make a transition from childhood to adulthood.
As Adolescent’s age is the age of risk because adolescents have very less information about the process of growing- up. Usually they seek information about these issues from their friends and peers being in same age group these friends may supply inaccurate and incomplete information. Parents and teachers also feels uncomfortable with such topics, hence the risks increases.
Therefore Adolescence Education Programme (AEP was launched as a solution for all the above problem Initially AEP was launched on pilot basis with UNFPA support in November, 2005. Curricular- Co-Curricular approach has been adopted to ensure effective integration of the elements of AE in syllabi and textbooks, instructional materials. The National Curriculum Framework 2005 also refers, to AEP as an integral component of the school curriculum.
Objectives of Adolescence Education Programme (AEP)
To develop value enhanced Life Skills for coping and managing concerns of adolescence through co-curricular activities (CCA).
To provide accurate knowledge to students about process of growing up, HIV/AIDS and Substance Abuse.
To develop healthy attitudes and responsible behaviour towards process of growing up, HIV/AIDS and Substance Abuse.
To enable them to deal with gender stereotypes and prejudices.
Role of the CBSE
The Role of the CBSE is to provide trainings at three- levels i.e. Master Trainers Training Programme, (MTT) for the resource persons, Nodal Teacher Training (NTT) for teachers & Advocacy Training Programme for the principals.
The main aim of the training is to empower principals, teachers so that they can sensitize and conduct co-curricular activities in schools. The focus of these co-curricular activities is on Life Skills Development in the context of adolescent concerns, so that adolescents can cope up with the realities of life and can make responsible decisions based on complete, accurate, and authentic age-appropriate and culturally sensitive knowledge.
This year as per approved AEP-AWP 2012, board is conducting 35 AEP training programmes under AEP (in which 20 Nodal Teacher (NTT)/05 Advocacy & 10 Peer Educators Training Programmes are included) Programme Schedule and Participants list are enclosed for more information.
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Courtesy: CBSE