(Tips) Exam stress - And How To Beat It ?

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Exam stress - And How To Beat It ?


  • Try to work to a revision timetable - start planning well before exams begin - your teacher should be able to help you with this.

  • Make your books, notes and essays more user-friendly with summary notes, headings, sub-headings, highlighting and revision cards. Try using key words or spider charts. Get tips on other revision techniques from teachers and friends - do what works for you.

  • Everyone revises differently - find out what routine suits you best - alone or with a friend; morning or late at night; short, sharp bursts or longer revision sessions.

  • Take notes of important points when revising as an aid for future revision or if you need to clarify something with a teacher. Try explaining the answers to tricky questions to someone else, or look at past exam papers and try answering some of the questions.

  • Ask for help if there are things you don't understand. If you're feeling stressed out, talk to someone.




  • Don't leave revision to the last minute.

  • Don't avoid revising subjects you don't like or find difficult.

  • Don't forget that there is a life beyond revision and exams.

  • Don't cram ALL night before an exam.