(Paper) CLAT UG Question Paper 2008 : Logical Reasoning

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(Paper) Previous Year Question Paper (BA LLB) - 2008

Section - V : Logical Reasoning

1. A college received fifty applications for a certain course. In the qualifying examination, one-tenth of them secured marks in 90-95% range. Within remaining segment, three-fifth of them secured marks in 75-90% range. The rest secured below 75%. To get admission, the following restrictions hold good:

i) No students who has scored below 75% can seek admission to Physics course.
ii) No students is allowed to opt Physics without opting Mathematics
iii) No student is allowed to opt Physics and Astrophysics simultaneously.
iv) To opt Mathematics or Astrophysics, a student should have scored at least 70% in the qualifying examination. Which one of the following alternatives is possible?

(a) Ninety percent of tile applicants are admitted to Physics course.
(b) Thirty-five percent of the applicants who are otherwise ineligible to join Physics course are admitted to Mathematics mid Astrophysics course.
(c) Students of Physics course outnumber those of Mathematics
(d) Whoever is eligible to study Mathematics is also eligible to study Physics.

2. A tourist can tour almost four places out of A, B, C, D, E, F and G Out of four, not more than two can come under holiday tour and al least two must come under business trip. The break up is as to follows: A, B, C and D – Business tour: E, F and G-Holiday tour The following restrictions hold good.

A) If A is included, then both C and G are excluded.
B) If neither E nor P is included, then B or G or both of them can be included
C) If G is included, then
D) can not be included. Which one of the following combinations is possible?

(a) A, C, E and P
(b) B, G and E
(c) A, D and G
(d) A, B and D

3. Under the smile fact situation as above, suppose that the following restrictions hold good: Which one of the following is a certainty

(a) A,B,C&E
(b) A,C,D&P
(c) B,C,D&E
(d) A,B,C&f

4. Pour members have to be nominated to a Committee and there are six candidates, A, B, C, D, E and F. The following restrictions hold good:

A) If A is nominated, then D does not find any place
B) If B is nominated, then either E or F has to be nominated, but not both
C) If C is nominated, then both D and B have to be nominated. Which one of the following is an acceptable combination?

(a) A, B and E
(b) A, B, C and D
(c) B, C, D and E
(d) B, C, D and F

5. Political turmoil in a country is mainly caused by widespread violence and flawed economic policies of successive governments. If at all this has to be crushed, it can be achieved only by a dictatorial convenient which rules with iron hand. Therefore, the need of the hour is to elect a government which imposes fresh set of stringent legislations. However, one of them is most forceful, identify the same.

(a) It is not the imposition of new legislations which is required, but effective adherence to die existing Immolations.
(b) That government is the best government which governs least.
(c) It is possible to overcome any evil by educating people
(d) Only dialogue in a free society call eradicate political turmoil

6. Under the same fact situation as above, the alternatives suggested (not necessarily all), if true, significantly strengthen the argument. However, one of them is most forceful. Identify the same.

(a) Espionage activities by enemy by enemy nations, which contribute to political tunnel I, can be prevented only if the government is very strong.
(b) The philosophy behind any economic policy, push from bottom, press from tap’ is to followed to mitigate violence, mid is it not observed.
(c) Political turmoil is due to corrupt establishment
(d) Man is, by nature, a beast

7. Exploitation of poor by rich can be stemmed only if the state exercise complete control over agriculture and industrial prod action. But state control is beset by two evils; corruption and delay. The net result is that if is that if man tries to escape from one evil, then he is trapped by another. Suffering hence is inescapable. The argument presented above seems to imply the following conclusions. Identify the one which is least dubious. Apply common sense.

(a) If agriculture and industrial production can be abolished, we can free ourselves from all forms of evil.
(b) To avoid evil austere life shall be encouraged.
(c) The gap between poor and rich can be bridged by heavily taxing the rich and passing on the largess to the poor
(d) Man is, by nature, dishonest

8. That the human soul is nonmaterial is an undisputed fact. Significantly what is not matter is not spatial and consequently, it is not vulnerable to motion. Evidently, no motion no dissolution. What escapes from dissolution? Therefore the human soul is immortal. In this argument, one premises is missing. Complete the argument by choosing from the following:

(a) Nothing is free from dissolution
(b) What is incorruptible is immortal
(c) There is no motion
(d) Matter does not exist

9. Under the same fact situation as above, which one of the following, if true, affects seriously tile argument presented above?

(a) Matter is not bound by space.
(b) Matter is indestructible
(c) Whatever exists is not necessarily affected by motion
(d) What is not matter also is Vulnerable to motion

10. Protagonists of human rights vehemently oppose capital punishment. Their opposition stems mainly from three reasons. Firstly, man cannot terminate what he cannot generate. Secondly, tile function of punishment is to reform the culprit. Thirdly, a culprit should be given an opportunity to repent. Admittedly, death penalty fails on all three counts. However, the defenders argue that a person is punished because he has to pay for his deeds. Reformation or repentance, according to [hem, is peripheral. Hence, death penalty is admissible. Which one of the following is the focus of this debate?

(a) Miswrite and privileges
(b) Nature and purpose of punishment
(c) Prevention of crime
(d) Mercy and revenge

11. Since Venus rotates slowly, Fred Whipple thought that like Mercury, Venus keeps one face always towards the Sun. If so, he said that the dark side would be very cold. However, he knew with die help of earlier study carried out by Petit and Nicholson that it was not the case. So, he concluded that the planet must rotate fairly often to keep the darker side warmer. Which of the following is the original prentices?

(a) Slow rotation of Venus
(b) Temperature of Venus
(c) Frequent rotation of Venus
(d) Equality of the rate of rotation and revolution

12. Before formulating the laws of motion, Galileo distinguished between mathematical study and empirical study. He, first, theoretically derived the rotation between distances and times for uniformly accelerating motion by Citing the ball roll a quarter, then half, then two-thirds and so on of the length of the groove and then measured the times on each occasion, which he repeated hundred times. He calculated, based on this study, that the distance traveled equaled the square of the time on all occasion. Which one of the following characterizes Galileo’s method?

(a) Speculation
(b) Theoretical analysis
(c) Generalization
(d) Statistical analysis

13. Read carefully a brief summery of one of the investigations of Sherlock Holmes: “While investigating the murders of Stmgerson and Enoch Drebber he got into conversation with fellow detectives which runs as follows: “The last link ……… My case is complete……. Could you lay your hands upon those pills”. After he got those pills, Holmes cut one of them, dissolved it in water and placed it in front of the terrier. Contrary to his expectations, the vtimal survived. Though disappointed a bit, he thought for a while and then cut the other pill, dissolved it, added milk and placed before the animal. The moment it licked, the animal died. Those were the pills present at the scenes of crime. Which one of the following aptly described the method which this passage indicates?

(a) Imagination
(b) Experiment
(c) Observation
(d) Thought experiment

14. There has been much speculation conceming the origin of lunar craters. One hypothesis is that they are the result of the impact of heavy meteors on the surface of moon while stil I soft. The most probable explanation is that they were produced by the gases liberated from the rocky matter. “While solidification was taking place these gases and water vapors steadily escaped though viscous surface, raising giant bubbles. The reader can easily visualize the process that took place by watching frying of pancakes. Which one of the following actually helps us [o determine the origin of lunar craters?

(a) Analogy
(b) Study of foreign body
(c) Course mid effect relation
(d) Speculation


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15. “Perhaps the earliest work of Archimedes that we have is that on’Plane Equilibrium’. In this, some fundamental principles of mechanics are set forth as rigorous geometric propositions. The work opens with furious postulate ‘Equal weights at equal distances ate in equilibrium; equal weights at unequal distances are not in equilibrium, but incline towards the weight at the grater distance”. According to this passage, which factors determine equilibrator?

(a) weight
(b) distance
(c) weight & distance
(d) equality of weights & distances

16. According [o die above passage, which one of the following values can be assigned to the statement unequal weights at equal distances are in disequilibrium’?

(a) true
(b) false
(c) uncertain
(d) unverifiable

17. According to the above passage, which one of the following values can be assigned to the statement unequal distances are in disequilibrium’?

(a) true
(b) false
(c) uncertain
(d) unverifiable

18. Gregory Mendel in examining tea-plants found two sharply marked races, the tall and the short. He experimentally fertilized flowers of tall plants with pollen of short. The off springs were tall plants. He next let the flowers of this first generation be fertilized with their own pollen. In the following generation, shortness reappeared. Tallness and shortness were distributed not at random but in a definite, constant, and simple ratio: three dominant talls to one recessive short’. Which onc of the following aptly describes the distribution of dominant and recessive characteristics?

(a) Systematic
(b) equal interval
(c) unpredictable
(d) immaculate interval

19. It is said that in his strongly worded reaction to quantum Physics, Einstein remarks’God does not play dice’ to which Bohr, another great physicist, reacted saying ‘Do not tell God what to system, though we can know the properties of macrocosmic objects. Which one of the following is the focus of their debate?

(a) the behaviour of God
(b) probabilistic interpretation of the behaviour of quantum object
(c) limits of human knowledge
(d) irrelevance of microcosmic object

20. An efficient and diesel-independent public transport system is essential to the economic development of nation. Suppose that the government adopts a policy to that effect then there is another favourable result. The pollution of environment is reduced to a greater extent- But, then it has two-pronged backlash. The sale and consequently the production of two and four wheelers reduce to the minimum which in unrender a large number of people jobless. Cash flow to the treasury also is aversely affected. Such a step, therefore, is self-defeating unless the government evolves a counler-stmtegy, to nullify the adverse effects. W hiclr one of the fol lowing accurately projects the opinion of an imaginaty speaker or author as the case may be of this passage?

(a) Abandon the idea of efficient and diesel-independent public transport system.
(b) Ensure sustained cash flow and create bluer job opportunities by inventing an alternate or more than one alternate.
(c) Public transport system shall be given up
(d) Maintain production and sale at the same level by offering incentives.

21. A moot question to be considered is whether democratic form of government is a boon or bane, no matter what Lincoln might or might not have said. Rather his most (in?) famous adage, by the people, for the people and of the people’ misses the most pertinent question; which attitude works behind when a person declares that he is a (or the right?) candidate to serve the people, and does not hesitate to contest and fight tooth and nail the election, an euphemism for battle with or without bullets. Admittedly, the covert attitude is different from overt attitude. Hardly any one contests the election unwillingly. A contestant is not persuaded by any one, but driven by his own passions and dubious motives. Contrast this picture with Socrates version; no honest man willingly takes tip the job of ruler. If at all he accepts, he does so for fear of being ruled by one made Lip of inferior ineLLIC. It is beyond even the wildest imagination, to expect an honest person to contest the election. Assuming that every statement is true, identify from among the given alternatives the one which strictly follows from the passage.

(a) No assessment or appraisal of democracy is possible.
(b) Lincoln and Socrates are talking differently
(c) Actually, Socrates scores over Lincoln on this issue.
(d) Rulers can be honest.

22. According to the above passage, which one of the following correctly differentiates Lincoln’s and Socrates’ analyses?

(a) the nature of democracy
(b) merits and demerits of politician.
(c) Qualities of election
(d) difference in mind set of respective men.

23. Many environmentalists either adopt double standard or do not know what they are talking about. A protagonist of environment, for obvious reasons, ought not to bat for any type of progress because progress without meddling with nature is a myth. But none can have without scientific and technological advance which has singularly made progress possible. Furthermore environment includes not just forest wealth and hills, but animal wealth also. An honest environmentalist is obliged to address the following questions. Foils, should man in the interest of hygiene, kill any living being be it an insect purported to be harmful stray dogs? After all, the world does not belong to man alone. Which one of the following runs counter to the spirit of the passage?

(a) In the interest of health and cleanliness, our surroundings must be from disease spreading bacteria.
(b) Non-violence as a moral principle extends to all living creatures.
(c) Vegetarian food is ideal to all men.
(d) Man should protect his environment because he has to live.

24. Does our society need reservation in Job? Before we defend reservation, we must consider some issues. Why do we need reservation? Obviously, reservation is required to lift the downtrodden and thereby achieve equality. How do you achieve this? Every individual, without exception, has a right to receive quality education. It is more so in the case of downtrodden people. Only a good-natured meritorious teacher can impart quality education. Suppose that a person who is neither good-nurtured nor meritorious becomes a teacher thanks to reservation system. Then generations of students suffer. Suppose that there is some merit in this argument. Then which of the following aptly describes the fall-out of his argument?

(a) Reservation is individual -centric, but not group-centric.
(b) Reservation, in at least one field, is self-defeating.
(c) The argument is biased.
(d) Education is not required to uplift the downtrodden.

25. Under the same fact situation as above, which one of the following helps you to circumvent the situation?

(a) Replace education with money and make poor rich.
(b) To achieve equality encourage inter-caste marriage
(c) Only downtrodden people should form the government.
(d) Identify good named and meritorious people within downtrodden group to make them teachers.


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