trainee5's blog

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NCERT SWAYAM Portal - Online Courses for Classes XI & XII 2024

NCERT SWAYAM Portal - Online Courses for Classes XI & XII 2024

Online Course Offered by NCERT on SWAYAM for Class XI and XII in 11 subject areas during 22nd April 2024 till 30th September 2024 

The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has been designated as National Coordinator (NC) for the development and dissemination of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for Sch

National Automobile Olympiad (NAO)

National Automobile Olympiad (NAO)-2024

Targeted Audience is divided in to3 groups.

Group-1:Class 6- 7 - 8

Group-2:Class 9 -10

Group-3:Class 11 -12


School Registration:


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