(Syllabus) CBSE Class 11th & 12th : Agriculture Syllabus 2011 (Code No: 068)
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Courses of Studies 2011
Class : 11th & 12th
Agriculture (Code No 068)
One Theory Paper Time: 3 Hours 70 Marks
1. Agrometeorology, Genetics and Plant Breeding, Biochemistry and
Microbiology 35 Marks
2. Livestock Production 35 Marks
Unit 1 : Agro meteorology, Genetics and Plant Breeding, Biochemistry and
Microbiology 84 Pds.
Agrometerology: Elements of Weather-rainfall, temperature, humidity,
wind velocity, Sunshine weather forecasting, climate change in relation to crop
production. 16 Pds.
Genetics & Plant Breeding 32 Pds.
(a) Cell and its structure, cell division-mitosis and meosis and their
(b) Organisation of the genetic materials in chromosomes, DNA and RNA.
(c) Mendel’s laws of inheritance. Reasons for the success of Mendal in his
experiments Absence of linkage in Mendel’s experiments.
(d) Quantitative inheritance, continuous and discontinuous variation in plants.
(e) Role of Genetics in Plant breeding, self and cross-pollinated crops, methods
of breeding in field crops-introduction, selection, hybridization, mutation and
polypolidy, tissue and cell culture.
(f) Plant Biotechnology-definition and scope in crop production.
Biochemistry: Classification of carbohydrates; proteins; lipids; vitamins and
enzymes. 16 Pds.
Microbiology: Micro-organisms-Algae, Bacteria, Fungi, Actinomyceters, Protozoa
and Viruses. Role of micro-organisms in respiration, fermentation and organic
matter decomposition 20 Pds.
Unit 2: Livestock Production 84 Pds.
Scope and importance 16 Pds.
(a) Importance of livestock in agriculture and industry, White
revolution in India.
(b) Important breeds Indian and exotic, distribution of cows, buffaloes and
poultry in India.
Care and management 52 Pds.
(a) Systems of cattle and poultry housing.
(b) Principles of feeding, feeding practices.
(c) Balanced ration-definition and ingredients.
(d) Management of calves, bullocks, pregnant and milch animals as well as chicks
crockrels and layers, poultry.
(e) Signs of sick animals, symptoms of common diseases in cattle and poultry,
Rinderpest, black quarter, foot and mouth, mastius and haemorrhagic septicaemia
coccidiosis, Fowl pox and Ranikhet disease, their prevention and control.
Artificial Insemination 16 Pds.
Reproductive organs, collection, dilution and preservation of semen and
artificial insemination, role of artificial insemination in cattle improvement.
Livestock Products: Processing and marketing of milk and Milk products.
One Paper Time: 3 Hours 30 Marks
A. Live stock Practical 16 Marks
B. Observation 05 Marks
C. Collection and Visits 05 Marks
D. Viva Voce 04 Marks
A. Livestock Practical 38 Pds.
(a) Handling of bullocks for field operation/drenching/shoe fixing.
(b) Score-card, method of judging milch animals.
(c) Sign of heat in cows.
(d) Grooming.
(e) Determination of age of cattle
(f) Computing ration for an animal.
(g) Preparation of hay and silage.
(h) Calculating the body weight of farm animals.
(i) Care and handling of pregnant and milch cattle.
(j) Administration of some common medicines.
(k) Studying of the signs of sick animals.
(l) Testing of milk fat and gravity.
(m) Milking of cows/buffaloes.
(n) Cleaning and maintenance of cattle sheds.
(o) Calculating the cost of milk production per kg.
(p) Culling of birds.
(q) Cleaning of poultry houses.
(r) Management of deep litter system.
(s) Practice of record keeping and calculation of the cost of production of eggs
per dozen.
(t) Computation of poultry feed.
B. Observation 16 Pds.
(a) Identification of common breeds of cows, buffaloes and poultry birds.
(b) Observation of dehorrning, branding, tatooing, castrating in local
veterinary hospital.
(c) Observation of artificial insemination in the local veterinary hospital.
(d) Observing vaccination of poultry birds against common diseases.
C. Collection & Visits
(a) Preparation of practical record.
(b) Visit to the local dairy and poultry farms, diary plants and plant breeding
biotechnology laboratory and agro-meteorological laboratory.
Note: Students should submit a written report on the basis of
experience acquired in their visits.
D. Viva Voce
One Theory Paper Time: 3 Hours 70 Marks
1. Crop Production 40 Marks
2. Horticulture 30 Marks
Unit 1: Crop Production 96 Pds.
Introduction 08 Pds.
(a) Targets and achievement in foodgrain production in India since independence
and its future projections, sustainable crop production, commercialisation of
agriculture and its scope in India.
(b) Classification of field crops based on their utility-cereals, pulses,
oils seeds, fibre, sugar and forage crops.
Soil, Soil fertility, Fertilizers and Manures 24
(a) Soil, soil pH, Soil texture, soil structure, soil organisms, soil
tilth, soil fertility and soil health.
(b) Essential plant nutrients, their functions and deficiency symptoms.
(c) Soil types of India and their characteristics.
(d) Organic nature, common fertilizers including straight, complex, fertilizer
mixtures and biofertilizers; integrated nutrient management system.
Irrigation and Drainage 24 Pds.
(a) Sources of irrigation (rain, canals, tanks, rivers, wells,
(b) Scheduling of imagination based on critical stages of growth, time interval,
soil moisture content and weather parameters.
(c) Water requirement of crops.
(d) Methods of irrigation and drainage.
(e) Watershed management
Weed Control 8 Pds.
Principles of weed control, methods of weed control (cultural, mechanical,
chemical, biological
and Integrated weed management).
Crops 32 Pds.
Seed bed preparation, seed treatment, time and method of sowing/planting, seed
rate; dose method and time of fertilizer application, irrigation, interculture
and weed control; common pests and diseases, caused by bacteria, fungi virus and
nematod, integrated pest management, harvesting,
threshing, post harvest technology: storage, processing and marketing of major
field crops-Rice, wheat, maize, sorghum, pearlmillet, groundnut, mustard,
pigeonpea, gram, sugarcane, cotton berseem.
Unit 2: Horticulture 72 Pds.
(a) Importance of fruits and vegetables in human diet, Crop diversification &
processing Industry.
(b) Orchard-location and layout, ornamental gardening and kitchen garden.
(c) Planting system, training, pruning, intercroping, protection from frost and
(d) Trees, shrubs, climbers, annuals, perennials-definition and examples.
Propagation by seed, cutting, budding, layering and grafting.
(e) Cultivation practices, processing and marketing of:
(i) Fruits – mango, papaya, banana, guava, citrus, grapes.
(ii) Vegetables – Radish, carrot, potato, onion, cauliflower, brinjal, tomato,
spinach and cabbage.
(iii) Flowers – Gladiolus, canna, chrysanthemums, roses and marigold.
(f) Principles and methods of fruit and vegetable preservation.
(g) Preparation of jellies, jams, ketchup, chips and their packing.
One Paper Time : 3 Hours 30 Marks
A. Field Crop and Horticulture Practicals 10 + 6
05 Marks
C. Collection and
visits 07 Marks
D. Viva
02 Marks
A. Field crop Practicals 38 Pds.
(a) To find out germination percentage of crop seeds.
(b) Soil sampling and determination of soil pH.
(c) Preparation of nursery and seed beds.
(d) Seed treatment with fungicides and microbial culture.
(e) Layout of irrigation and drainage channels.
(f) Calculation of fertilizer requirement of crops on the basis of nutrient
(g) Methods of fertilizer application including use of bio-fertilizers.
(h) Methods of sowing/planting.
(i) Interculture operation-weeding, earthing.
(j) Preparation of FYM and Compost.
(k) Uses of sprayers and dusters for pest control and nutrient spray.
(l) Harvesting of field crops.
(m) Determination of moisture content of crop seeds.
(n) To find out 100-grain weight of crop seeds.
Horticulture Practical
(a) Layout of the school garden.
(b) Preparation for nursery raising, pot filling and planting.
(c) Propagation by cutting, layering, grafting and budding.
(d) Pruning and training of trees.
(e) Establishment and maintenance of school lawn.
(f) Preparation of tomato ketchup, jam, jelly, chips of fruits/vegetables.
Observation 16 Pds.
(a) Identification of seeds of crops.
(b) Identification of plants of various crops and weeds.
(c) Identification of manures and fertilizers.
(d) Identification of different types of tools and implements.
(e) Identification of common local pests and diseases of plants.
(f) Identification of different types of ornamental trees, annuals, biennials,
C. Collection and visits 18 Pds.
(a) Preparation of herbarium of crop and weed plants.
(b) Collection and preservation of important crop pests and diseased plant
(c) Practical record.
(d) Participation in and visit to crop demonstrations, field operation, field
days, agriculture fairs organised in the locality by the local extension
(e) Visit to the important orchards of the locality, state research farms/seed
farms and agricultural Universities/Agricultural Colleges, food processing
Note: Students should submit a written report on the basis of
experience acquired during their visits.
D. Viva Voce
Agriculture Practicals
A. List of Practicals 18
1. Seed treatment against the pest indicated.
2. Find out 1000 grain weight of crop seeds provided.
3. Prepare a layout plan of a farm of 10 hectares or a school garden of one
hectare/ irrigation and drainage channels in a hectare of field.
4. Taking soil sample for soil moisture/pH determination.
5. Prepare an ideal seed bed/Nursery bed for the grain or vegetable crop
6. Calculate the fertilizer requirement for given area of the crop indicated.
7. Calculate the quantity of pesticide required for a given area against the
pest indicated of a certain field crop. Also demonstrate the method of its
8. Demonstrate how would you prepare an ideal compost with the farm waste
material provided.
9. Prepare the vegetable/fruit products indicated.
10. Demonstrate the ideal method of propagation of the plant indicated.
11. Identity the specimens and write two lines comment on each of them.
12. Practical records, collection, sessional work, maintenance of potted plants
and reports on visits.
13. Viva-Voce.
General guidelines for evaluation
1. (i) The examiner may give anyone out of the first 7 practical
exercises. It will carry 10 marks.
(ii) He will alot one out of the next two practicals (8 & 9) which will
carry 6 marks.
(iii) For identification the teacher may provide 5 items, each item will carry
one mark. (1/2 mark for identification and 1/2 mark for 2 lines comment) (5
(iv) Practical records and maintenance of potted plants will carry 2 marks each.
For collection, sessional work and visit reports, one mark each. (7 marks)
(v) Viva Voce will carry 2 marks
2. In case of practicals, fruits preservation and methods of propagation, the
student will have to write the procedure adopted and the necessary precautions
to be taken in the answer sheet provided.
Suggested References
1. Garden Flowers, by V. Swaroop, National Book Trust of India.
2. Sashya Vigyan Ke Moolbhoot Sidhant, by U.K. Verma, Hindi Granth Academy,
Patna (Bihar).
3. Modern Techniques of raising field crops, by Chhida Singh, Oxford and IBH
Publishing Co., New Delhi.
4. Manures and Fertilizers, by K.S. Yawalkar, J.P. Agarwal and S. Bokde.
5. Fruits by Ranjeet Singh, National Book Trust, New Delhi.
6. Vegetable by B. Chaudhuri, National Book Trust, New Delhi.
7. Important Breeds of Cattle and Buffaloes, ICAR, New Delhi.
8. Hand Book of Agriculture, ICAR, New Delhi.
9. Hand Book of Animal Husbandry, ICAR, New Delhi.
10. Soils of India, FAI Publication, New Delhi.
11. Plant Breeding, by B.D. Singh, Kalyani Publication, New Delhi.
12. Genetics by P .C. Gupta Rastogi Pub., Meerut (U.P.).
13. The Soil Science by T.D. Biswas and S.K. Mukherjee, Tata McGraw-Hill Pub.
Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
14. Hand Book of Horticulture, ICAR, New Delhi.
Instruction-cum-Practical Manual, NCERT, Publications
(i) Agricultural Meteorology NCERT
(ii) Milk and Milk Products -do-
(iii) Feeds and Feeding of Dairy animals: -do-
(iv) Fertilizers and manures -do-
(v) Soil and properties -do-
(vi) Plant Propagation -do-
(vii) Floriculture -do-
(viii) Fruit Culture –do-