CBSE Class-10 Marking Scheme for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : English (Language and Literature)

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CBSE Class-10 Marking Scheme for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 :

English (Language and Literature)


CBSE Class-10 Marking Scheme for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : English (Language and Literature) (Delhi Region)

Marking Scheme - English (Language and Literature)

General Instructions

1. The Marking Scheme provides general guidelines to reduce subjectivity in the marking. The answers given in the Marking Scheme are the suggested answers. The content is thus indicative. If the student has given any other answer, which is different from the one given in the Marking Scheme, but conveys the correct meaning, such answer should be given full weightage. 
2. Evaluation is to be done as per the instructions provided in the Marking Scheme. It should not be done according to one's own interpretation or any other consideration. Marking Scheme should be strictly adhered to and religiously followed.
3. If the question has parts, please award marks in the right hand side for each part. Marks awarded to the different parts of the question should then be totalled up and written in the left hand margin and circled.
4. If the question does not have any parts, marks will be awarded in the lefthand margin.
5. If the candidate has attempted any extra question or part, marks obtained in the best question/part should be retained and the other answer should be scored out.
6. In the Marking Scheme, a slash (/) indicates alternative answers; any one such answer is counted as correct.
7. Brackets ( ) indicate optional information; the mark will be awarded whether the part in brackets is included or not.
8. Candidates should not be penalized if they do not follow the order of the section / question while answering.
9. In questions requiring word limit, no marks are to be deducted for exceeding the word limit.
10. Q.1 , Q.2 and Q.8 are meant to test the comprehension of the candidates and not the ability of expression. Full credit should be given for the correct value point, even if the answer is not given in a full sentence.
11. In questions consisting of 2 or more than 2 marks, break-up of marks should be shown separately (as suggested in the Marking Scheme) and then totalled.
12. A full scale of marks 0 to 100 has to be used. Please do not hesitate to award full marks if the answer deserves it.

Section A – (Reading) 20 Marks.

Q1 Objective: To identify the main points from the text. 8 Marks
Marking: 8 marks (1 mark for each correct answer)

No penalty for spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes. Full sentences are not required.

(a) practicing law in the city of Johannesburg in South Africa/doing law/ practicing law/ law(any one)
(b) get him a book from the office/ get him a book/ get a book/ get book / book (any one)
(c) to get him (Mr. Polak) his book as promised/ deliver the book to Mr. Polak/ give Mr. Polak his book / give him the book (any one)
(d) upset due to Bapu’s decision / punishment was very severe (any one)
(e) as this was the decision of Bapu ji / did not have the courage / no one could change Bapu’s mind (any one)
(f) Kalyan Bhai offered to get the book himself / he also offered to accompany Manilal to get the book (any one)
(g) Gandhiji earlier declined/refused permission but later agreed or allowed / Gandhiji first said ‘no’ and later ‘agreed’ (any one)
(h) kind and gentle but firm/ a man of firm decisions / believed in keeping promises (any one)
Q.2 Marking:
Qs (a) to (d) carry 2 marks each and from (e) to (h) carry 1 mark each 8 + 4 = 12 Marks
(a) (i) Problem faced by elephants - want to feed on crops but often get hit by the electric fencing around farms
(ii) Problem faced by farmers - suffer huge crop damage due to elephants(1+1)
(b)(i) To protect important tree species, crops from being damaged by elephants
(ii) Real or dummy beehives are interlinked together and if disturbed, bees come out to sting the crop raiding elephants (1+1)
(c) (i) Elephants would run from the sound of disturbed African bees
(ii) Elephants fear being stung around the sensitive parts of their body, like the eyes, inside the mouth, and up the trunk (1+1)
(d) (i) Pre-recorded bee sounds were broadcast during crop-raiding events
(ii) Showed an instant withdrawal of elephants from the crop fields (1+1)
(e) (iii) conflict (1)
(f) (i) interlinked (1)
(g) (i) stung (1)
(h) (i) generate (1)

SECTION B – (Writing & Grammar) 25 Marks

Q.3. Letter/Article Writing 5 Marks

Objective: To use an appropriate style and format to write a formal/an informal letter.
Format 1 mark
(i) Sender’s address
(ii) Date
(iii) Receiver’s address
(iv) Subject/ Heading
(v) Salutation
(vi) Complimentary close
Content 2 marks
Expression 2 marks
{Coherence and relevance of ideas and style 1 mark}
{Grammatical accuracy, appropriate words and spellings 1 mark}]

Note: No marks are to be awarded if only the format is given. Under content credit should be given for the candidate’s creativity in presenting ideas. However, some of the following suggestive points may be included:
Value Points:
Reasons: discrimination between boys and girls in the society- dowry systemnarrow
minded people- lack of education
Prevention: think of other girls as sisters or daughters – provide them with
good education- respect them- motivate them to move forward- provide safety
for them – make parents treat girls and boys equally

Format (Title and writer’s name) 1 mark
Content 2 marks
Expression 2 marks

{Coherence and relevance of ideas and style 1 mark}
{Grammatical accuracy, appropriate words and spellings 1 mark}
(Value points are suggested in the Question Paper itself)
Under content credit should be given for the candidate’s creativity in presenting
ideas. However some of the following suggestive points may be included:
Value Points:
Painful to see the living condition – lack of awareness among people, hospitals swing with patients, no house left without sufferer, breeding of mosquitoes in stagnant water Mosquitoes- cause of dengue, government and non- government agencies get
involved in spreading awareness through lectures/ workshops/ advertisements, prevention better than cure – keep surroundings clean – use mosquito nets – DDT spray – wear full sleeves – cover body parts

Q.4. Story Writing 10 Marks
Objective: To plan, organize and present ideas coherently in a story
using the child’s imagination and creativity based on the given inputs.
Content : 6 marks
Fluency : 2 marks
Accuracy : 2 marks
(The beginning of the story is given in the question paper itself.)
Under content credit should be given for the candidate’s creativity in presenting ideas.

Q.5 Objective: To use grammatical items accurately and appropriately.
Marking: 1 mark for each correct answer 1 x 3 = 3 Marks
(a) (iii) made
(b) (i) small
(c) (iii) in

Q.6 Objective: To use grammatical items accurately and appropriately.
Marking: 1 mark for each correct answer 1 x 4 = 4 Marks
Error Correction
(a) in to
(b) or and
(c) breed breeding
(d) leave left


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Courtesy: CBSE