CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : All India Scheme Question Paper, Information And Communication Technology

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CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : All India Scheme

Question Paper, Information And Communication Technology


CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 :   Information And Communication Technology

Time allowed : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 70
1. What is meant by cyber laws ? 1
2. What is cyber space ? 1
3. What all is covered under software copyright ? 1
4. What is the use of ‘‘Action’’ attribute of a form ? 1
5. Which method of <form> has no limitation over data size  get or post ? 1
6. Which CSS property describes the background image of a web page ? 1
7. DHTML is a combination of which technologies ? Name them. 1
8. What is the limitation of CSS ? 1
9. Which element in a form allows to create a drop down list ? 1
10. What is freeware ? 2
11. Name any two types of software licenses. 2
12. What are cookies ? 2
13. What is the difference in font-weight and font-style properties ? 2
14. <input type=textarea> is used in a form to create a textbox. Write the names of any other four attributes which can be used here. 2
15. Write any two advantages of using CSS. 2
16. Write the purpose of ‘‘Name’’ attribute with any form element. 2
17. Name the CSS property which is used to : 2
(a) Insert a background image
(b) Control the behaviour of a background image
18. Write the name of the attribute which is used to : 2
(a) Display text on a button
(b) Define the path where the form data should go
19. Write any two guidelines to be followed for cyber safety. 2
20. Write the code using CSS to generate the following output :
(a) This Will Be Capitalised
This will have no effect
this will be in lowercase
(b) This example is combining six css properties
The above text is normal, bold, 40 pt, Arial.
Background colour is yellow and font colour is maroon.

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Courtesy: CBSE