CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : All India Scheme, Understanding The Evolution And Forms of Mass Media
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CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 :
All India Scheme, Understanding The Evolution And Forms of Mass Media
Time allowed : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 60
General Instructions :
(i) All the questions are compulsory.
(ii) Marks for questions are indicated against each.
(Very Short Answer Questions)
1. What is the most important key concept of media ?
2. Write any four media conglomerates in India.
3. What was the earliest form of media ?
4. What is Wikipedia ?
5. What is the future of Internet ?
6. Which year sound era of film started ?
7. What is Satellite Communication ?
8. What is news alert on mobiles ?
9. Which year & date Vividh Bharti was started ?
10.What is search engine ?
11.What is Folk Literature ?
(Short Answer Questions)
12.What is the relationship between media studies and other subjects ?
13.Differentiate between group, crowd, public and mass audience.
14.What is the ‘lead’ and ‘main news’ story ?
15.What is the contribution of “Neorealism” to the development of film making ?
16.Which broadcasting company was the first to broadcast television in the United Kingdom ?
17.What is the role of Radio in your life ? Explain with examples.
18.Discuss the disadvantages of assimilation of film into television ?
19.Write a note on folk literature.
Part – III
(Long Answer Questions)
20.Illustrate with example the influence of internet on society.
21. While explaining salient points of radio plays, explain how they are different from stage plays ?
22. Name five news agencies of India and give details of their role.
23. Which were the agencies that contributed to the evolution of the internet ?
24. Which are the various forms of media that have been successfully assimilated into films ?