(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper 2018-19 :Bharatanatyam
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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper 2018-19 : Bharatanatyam
Class XII
Bharatanatyam (CODE-057)
Sample Question Paper 2018-19
Total Marks – 30
1. Write a brief introduction to Mohiniattam with particular reference to the period of| revival under Maharaja Swati Thirunal and Vallathol Narayana Menon. Mention two items that are musically similar between Bharatanatyam and Mohiniattam.
1. Compare the margan of Kuchipudi and Bharatanatyam.
2. Give a brief sketch of the contribution of the two following exponents to the growth and popularization of Bharatanatyam.
a. Balasaraswati
b. Rukmini Devi
2. Describe the contribution of the Jaajore Quailette to the presentation of Bharatnatyam. Mention the flow of the margan as set by them.
3. What are the Variations of the position of the feet (Mandala bheda) as described in the chapters of the Abhinaya Darpan? Mention the basic sloka and expand on the sthanka bheda.
3.What are Nritta Mudras as described by the Abhinaya Darpana? Explain six of them help of the description given in the text.

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