(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper 2019-20 : Garment Construction

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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper 2019-20 : Garment Construction

Class: XII
Garment Construction-(776)
Sample Question Paper 2019-20


I. This part of section A carries 12 questions that carry 1 mark each. Attempt any 10 questions from the following questions.
1. How would you evaluate a garment assembly system?
2. What do you understand by the term “through- put time”?
3. How will stitching a peter-pan collar affect fabric estimation for the garment.
4. Which garment assembly system uses a bundle ticket?
5. What are the disadvantages of a lock stitch machine?
6. Define “serging”.
7. Explain the individual system for garment assembly.
8. How will you calculate fabric for stitching a pair of trousers for your father?
9. Define a “lay”.
10. How would choice of different styles of sleeves affect fabric estimation for a garment.
11. How does a buttonhole machine create buttonholes on fabrics which fray easily?
12. How does a blind stitch hemming machine work?

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