(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper 2019-20 : Introduction To Hospitality Management

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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper 2019-20 : Introduction To Hospitality Management

Class: XII
Introduction To Hospitality Management-(756)
Sample Question Paper 2019-20


Answer any 10 questions out of the given 12 questions:
1. Palace on wheels a luxury train is an example for ___________  
2. __________ is the backbone of any industry to retain the customers  
3. __________ is the largest source of revenue for hotels.  
4. HRACC stands for _______________  
5. The primary function of a distribution channel is to bridge the gap between _____________ and ____________.
6. Hotels are __________ establishment providing boarding and lodging  
7. __________ is referred to as nerve centre of the front office department  
8. The word Hospitality means _______________  
9. The list of unwanted guest is called a ______________  
10. A book maintained in all organization and the receptionist which keep all details of accidents which have occurred to employees is called _____________
11. A person who has successfully completed a first aid course and has been awarded with a certificate of proficiency in first aid by an institution is called
12. Expand PBX __________________________.  

Very ShortQuestions: (2 marks each).


Answer any 5 questions out of the given 7 questions:

13. What do you mean by Ecotels? (2)


14. Define Front Office.(2)

15. Name the types of hotels classified based on location and ownership.(2)

16. Who is a Tour Operator? (2)

17. What is Whitney rock? (2)

18. What are the barriers of communication? (2)

19. What is key card locks? (2)

Short Questions: (3marks each).

Answer any 5 questions out of the given 7 questions:

20. Write the characteristics of hospitality industry (3)

21. What is Organizing and discuss its objectives? (3)

22. What are the factors that influence the rate/price for guest rooms in hotel? (3)

23. Define Travel Desk in hotel, (3)

24. What are the duties of Bell Concierge? (3)

25. Write the difference between an excursionist and a tourist (3)

26. What are the common sources of fire in hotel properties? (3)


Long/Essay type questions (5 marks each).

Answer any 5 questions out of the given 7 questions:

27. Briefly explain the major Hotel chains in India. (5)

28. Explain the Departments in hotel and their functions. (5)

29. Discuss the facilities and services required to get an award of five star deluxe categories for hotels? (5)

30. How travel agents are playing a role of middlemen in selling the services offered by hotels? (5)

31. Explain the process of Guest Cycle with diagram. (5)

32. Elaborate the steps of communication process. (5)

33. Explain the equipments that can be used in hotels to prevent and fight with fire accidents. (5)



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