(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper 2021-22: Kuchipudi

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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper 2021-22 : Kuchipudi

Sample Question Paper (Term-1) 2021-22

Subject Name : Kuchipudi

Subject Code: 058

Time Allowed: 60

Minutes Maximum Marks: 15

1. An exciting dance had its roots in a dance drama tradition

a) Kathak

b) Bihu

c) Kuchipudi

d) Bharat natyam ,

2. Kuchipudi dance was named after the village where it had originated , that is

a) kuchelapuram

b) Mahabalipuram

c) Mahalaxmipuram

d) Thiruvananthapuram

3. Who is considered to be the pioneer of Kuchipudi Dance

a) Mahendra Yogi

b) Siddhendra Yogi

c) Dhirendra Yogi

d) Jeetendra Yogi

4. Who was the Guru of Siddhendra Yogi

a) Tirtha narayan

b) Vishnutirtha

c) Shivanarayan

d) Tirtha Gopal

5. Kuchipudi dance is originated from a village of __

a) Telengana

b) Karnataka

c) Andhra Pradesh

d) Kerala

6. This dance form started to get associated with.

a) Jainism

b) Buddhism

c) Vaishnavism

d) Shaivism

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