(Download) CBSE Class-12 2016-17 Sample Paper (Odissi)

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(Download) CBSE Class-12 2016-17 Sample Paper (Odissi)

One Theory Paper – 3 hrs.

Total Marks – 30

General instructions:

  • Please write down the serial number of the question before attempting it.

  • Each question carries equal marks.

1. Name all the nine Rasas. Write short notes on any four Rasas. 5

2. Write short notes on Aharya of Odissi. 5

3. What is the difference between Tandav and Lasya and Lokdharmi and Natyadharmi. 5

4. Describe the four aspects of Abhinay. 5
a. Angika
b. Vacchika
c. Aharya
d. Sattvik

5. Write a brief history of Oddissi Dance with reference to archeological evidences. 5

6. Write notation of learnt item Battu or Sthayi. 5


What do you know about Chhau Dance. Describe the three styles of Chhau Dance.

a. Mauyurbhanj
b. Scraikella
c. Purulia

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