(Download) NLU Delhi : Question Booklet of B.A.,LLB.(Hons.) & Answer Key - AILET-2012 [Section C]
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National Law University, New Delhi
All India Law Entrance Test (AILET) 2012
71. For one academic year, all the students at a high school were observed. The aim was to test the hypothesis that studying more increased a student’s chances of earning a higher grade. It turned out that the students who spent the most time studying did not earn grades as high as did many students who studied less. Nonetheless, the researchers concluded that the results of the observation supported the initial hypothesis. Which one of the following, if true, most helps to explain why the researchers drew the conclusion described above?
(A) The students who spent the most time studying earned higher grades than did some students who studied for less time than the average.
(B) The students tended to get slightly lower grades as the academic year progressed.
(C) In each course, the more a student studied, the better his or her grade was in that course.
(D) The students who spent the least time studying tended to be students with no more than average involvement in extracurricular activities.
72. Educator: It has been argued that our professional organization should take decision about important issues - such as raising dues and taking political stands - by a direct vote of all members rather than by having members vote for officers who in turn make the decisions. This would not; however, be the right way to decide these matters, for the vote of any given individual is much more likely to determine organizational policy by influencing the election of an officer than by influencing the result of a direct vote on a single issue. Which one of the following principles would, if valid, most help to justify the educator’s reasoning?
(A) No procedure for making organizational decisions should allow one individual’s vote to weigh more than that of another.
(B) Outcomes of organizational elections should be evaluated according to their benefit to the organization as a whole, not according to the fairness of the methods by which they are produced.
(C) Important issues facing organizations should be decided by people who can devote their full time to mastering the information relevant to the issues.
(D) An organization’s procedures for making organizational decisions should maximize the power of each member of the organization to influence the decisions made.
73. Mayor: Local anti-tobacco activists are calling for expanded antismoking education programs paid for by revenue from heavily increased taxes on cigarettes sold in the city. Although the effectiveness of such education programs is debatable, there is strong evidence that the taxes themselves would produce the sought-after reduction in smoking. Surveys show that cigarette sales drop substantially in cities that impose stiff tax increases on cigarettes. Which one of the following, if true, most undermines the reasoning in the argument above?
(A) A city-imposed tax on cigarette will substantially reduce the amount of smoking in the city if the tax is burdensome to the average cigarette consumer.
(B) Consumers are more likely to continue buying a product if its price increases due to higher taxes than if its price increases for some other reason.
(C) Usually, cigarette sales will increase substantially in the areas surrounding a city after that city imposes stiff taxes on cigarettes.
(D) People who are well informed about the effects of long-term tobacco use are significantly less likely to smoke than are people who are not informed.
74. Gotera: Infants lack the motor ability required to voluntarily produce particular sounds, but produce various babbling sounds randomly. Most children are several years old before they can voluntarily produce most of the vowel and consonant sounds of their language. We can conclude that speech acquisition is entirely a motor control process rather than a process that is abstract or mental. Which one of the following is an assumption required by Gotera’s argument?
(A) Speech acquisition is a function only of one’s ability to produce the sounds of spoken language.
(B) During the entire initial babbling stage, infants cannot intentionally move their tongues while they are babbling.
(C) The initial babbling stage is completed during infancy.
(D) The initial babbling stage is the first stage of the speech acquisition process.
75. Reducing stress lessen a person’s sensitivity to pain. This is the conclusion reached by researchers who played extended audiotapes to patients before they underwent surgery and afterward while they were recovering. One tape consisted of conversation; the other consisted of music. Those who listened only to the latter tape required less anaesthesia during surgery and fewer painkillers afterward than those who listened only to the former tape. Which one of the following is an assumption on which the researchers’ reasoning depends?
(A) All of the patients in the study listened to the same tape before surgery as they listened to after surgery.
(B) Anticipating surgery is no less stressful than recovering from surgery.
(C) Listening to music reduces stress.
(D) The psychological effects of music are not changed by anaesthesia or painkillers.
Directions: In the following questions, each question has a statement followed by two conclusions. Taking the statement to be true, decide which of the given conclusions definitely follows from the given statement. Indicate your answer as (A) if only I follows, (B) if only II follows (C) if neither I, nor II follows and (D) if both I and II follows.
76. Statement : The Supreme Court gave a judgement that the maintenance of old age parents is the responsibility of the married girls, if they do not have brothers.
Conclusions I : Constitution is always interpreted to help oppressed people out.
II : Before the Supreme Court gave the verdict, a married girl must have denied to pay for the maintenance to her parents.
77. Statement : Ideas given by our ancestors that were once discarded as uneconomical and unviable, turn out to be as functional and inevitable in present circumstances.
Conclusions I : In ancient period, ideas were considered either completely functional or totally infeasible.
II : Ideas cannot change from time to time. Direction: In each question below is given statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. An assumption is something supposed or taken for
granted. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement. Mark answer:
(A) If only I assumption is implicit;
(B) If only assumption II is implicit;
(C) If neither I nor II is implicit; and
(D) If both I and II are implicit.
78. Statement: “Use ‘M’ Brand shoes. They are available in all sizes and last longer” - an advertisement in the newspaper ‘A’.
Assumption I: Some people do not know about ‘M’ brand shoes.
Assumption II: People generally prefer shoes which last longer.
79. Statement: Lack of stimulation in the first four or five years of life can have adverse consequences.
Assumption I: A great part of the development of observed intelligence occurs in the earliest years of life.
Assumption II: 50 per cent of the measurable intelligence at age 16 is predictable by the age of four.
Direction (Q. 80 – Q. 84): Read the following and answer the questions: Six persons – P, Q, R, S, T and W work in an Organisation. Each of them likes different colours, viz., Black, White, Blue, Green, Red and Yellow and their salaries are also different. The person who earns maximum does not like Blue or White colour. The person who earns the least does not like Black or Red colour. R likes Yellow colour and his salary is the second maximum. P likes White colour and earns more than T but less than W. Q likes Black colour who earns less than P but more than T. S likes Blue colour and T likes Red colour.
80. How many of them do earn more than Q?
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Data inadequate
81. Who among them earns least?
(A) Q
(B) P
(C) R
(D) S
82. If they are arranged in the descending order according to their salaries, who will occupy the third position?
(A) P
(B) R
(C) T
(D) Data inadequate
83. W likes the colour
(A) White
(B) Green
(C) Blue
(D) Either White or Green
84. S likes which colour?
(A) White
(B) Green
(C) Blue
(D) Red
85. A child crawls 20 feet towards North, turns right and crawls 30 feet, turns right again and crawls 35 feet. He turns left now and crawls 15 feet. He turns left again and crawls 15 feet. Finally he turns to his left to crawl another 15 feet. How far is he from his starting point and in which direction?
(A) 45 feet North-East
(B) 30 feet East
(C) 30 feet West
(D) 15 feet West
Directions: Read the following directions and answer the questions 86 and 87. A is the father of C. But C is not his son. E is the daughter of C. F is the spouse of A. B is the brother of C. D is the son of B. G is the spouse of B. H is the father of G. 86. Who is the son-in-law of H?
(A) C
(B) A
(C) D
(D) B
87. Who is the grand-daughter of A?
(A) H
(B) D
(C) B
(D) E
88. A is older by 4 years to B at one stage. After 16 years of this stage, A will be thrice his present age and B will be five times his present age. How old would A and B be two years before the initially indicated stage?
(A) 8 and 4
(B) 10 and 6
(C) 6 and 2
(D) 12 and 8
89. If day before yesterday was Tuesday, the day after tomorrow will be
(A) Monday
(B) Wednesday
(C) Friday
(D) Saturday
90. My brother is 562 days older to me, while my sister is 75 weeks older to him. If my sister was born on Tuesday, on what day was I born?
(A) Sunday
(B) Monday
(C) Tuesday
(D) Wednesday
91. Ram is facing North-West. He turns in clockwise direction by 900, then 180o in the anti-clockwise direction and then another 900 in the same direction. Which direction is he facing now?
(A) South-West
(B) West
(C) South
(D) South-East
92. One morning after sunrise, Vikram and Shailesh were standing in a lawn with their backs towards each other. Vikram’s shadow fell exactly towards left hand side. Which direction was Shailesh facing?
(A) East
(B) West
(C) North
(D) South
Direction: In the following number series (Q. No. 93 & 94) only one number is wrong. Find out that number:
93. 1, 2, 6, 15, 20, 30, 42
(A) 30
(B) 15
(C) 6
(D) 1
94. 2, 5, 10, 17, 26, 37, 50, 64
(A) 50
(B) 17
(C) 26
(D) 64
95. D, H, L, R, ?
(A) T
(B) X
(C) I
(D) O
96. 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, ?
(A) 92
(B) 115
(C) 127
(D) 131
97. PLANING is coded in a certain language as UFFHSCSA. How will AUTHORITY be coded in the same language?
98. In certain code ELECTION is written as GLGCVIQN, then VOTER will be coded as:
(A) Aged : Wisdom
(B) Student : Examination
(C) Youth : Adolescence
(D) Judge : Dishonour
(A) Shred : Wool
(B) Cave : Stone
(C) Chip: Glass
(D) Blades : Grass
Direction (Q. 101 – 105): Each group of questions is based on a set of conditions. Choose the response that most accurately and completely answers each question. Mercotek carried out a study to compare the productivity of its night shift with that of its day shift. Every week the company’s six crews – F, G, H, R, S and T – were ranked from first (most productive) to sixth (least productive). There were no ties. For any given week, either G and T were the two night-shift crews or else S and H were – the four other crews were the day-shift crews for that week. The following relationships held for every week of the study:
F is more productive than G
R is more productive than S
R is more productive than T
S is more productive than H
G is more productive than T
101. Which of the following could be an accurate ranking of all the crews, in order from first to sixth, for a given week of the study?
(A) F, G, T, R, S, H
(B) F, R, G, T, H, S
(C) G, R, T, S, H, F
(D) R, F, G, S, H, T
102. If F is ranked third for a given week of the study, then which one of the following could also be true of that week?
(A) G ranks second
(B) H ranks fourth
(C) R ranks second
(D) S ranks fourth
103. Which one of the following CANNOT be the crew ranked fifth for any given week of the study?
(A) G
(B) H
(C) R
(D) S
104. For any given week of the study, the ranking of all the crews is completely determined if which one of the following is true?
(A) F ranks second that week
(B) G ranks fifth that week
(C) H ranks third that week
(D) R ranks third that week
105. If the night-shift crews rank fifth and sixth for a given week of the study, then which one of the following could also be true of that week?
(A) G ranks fourth
(B) H ranks fifth
(C) R ranks third
(D) S ranks fourth
Question Booklet of B.A.,LLB.(Hons.) - AILET-2012 Download
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Courtesy: NLU Delhi