CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : Marking Scheme, Political Science
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CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : Marking Scheme
Question Paper, Political Science
CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : Political Science (Delhi)
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CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : Political Science (Foreign)
Q-1. Ans. |
What is meant by ‘Shock Therapy’ ? The collapse of communism followed by a painful process of transition from an authoritarian socialist system to a democratic capitalist system influenced by the World Bank and the IMF is known as Shock Therapy. |
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Q-2. Ans. |
Why was ASEAN established ? To accelerate the economic growth and through that ‘social progress and cultural development’ of South East Asian Nations. |
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Q-3. Ans. |
How far are the visa policies of developed countries justified with respect to the movement of people ? Their Visa policies not only carefully guard their borders but also ensure that the citizens of other country cannot take away the jobs of their own citizens. |
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Q-4. Ans. |
What does modernization mean to the developing and underdeveloped countries ? Modernisation for developing and underdeveloped countries means the growth, material progress and scientific rationality. |
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Ans. |
How far was the Government of India justified in passing the ‘Muslim Women Act, 1986’ that nullified the Supreme Court’s judgement in favour of Shah Bano ? Students are free to give their answer with facts and logic.. Like – It was not a welcome step as many Muslim organisations, women associations and intellectuals opposed this action of the government and considered this step as an unnecessary concession to appease the Muslims. |
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Ans. |
Mention the two ideologies which were involved in a major conflict during the Cold War era.
(i) Capitalism (ii) Communism/ socialism. |
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Ans. |
Why did the people of two provinces of British India not know at all, even on the day of independence in 1947, whether they were a part of India or Pakistan ? also, mention the names of the provinces. Because the decision about the two states i.e. Punjab and Bengal could not be taken by the midnight of 14th and 15th of August, 1947. Hence people of these two states did not know about their fate. - Punjab and Bengal. |
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CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : Political Science (Outside)
Q-1. |
Highlight any one feature of the multi-polar world as visualized by both Russia and India. |
Ans. |
(i) Coexistence of several powers in the international system. (ii) Collective Security and a collective response. (iii) Negotiated settlements of international conflicts. (iv) An independent foreign policy for all countries, (v) Decision making through bodies like the UN. (any one) |
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Q 2. |
What was the significance of ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom’? |
Ans. |
Operation Iraqi Freedom was launched by US to prevent Iraq from developing Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). |
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Q 3. |
Give a suitable example to show the globalization need not always be positive. |
Ans. |
(i) Some farmers committed suicide because their crops failed. They had bought very expensive seeds supplied by a multinational company (MNC). (ii) An Indian company bought a major rival company based in Europe, despite protests by some of the current owners. (iii)Many retail shopkeepers or small businessmen have lost their livelihood due to the economic power of the MNCs. (iv)A film producer in Mumbai was accused of lifting the story of his film from another film made in Hollywood. (v) A militant group issued a statement threatening college girls who wear western clothes. (any one example) |
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Q 4. |
Why does development have different meaning for different sections of the people.? |
Ans. |
To an industrialist who is planning to set up a steel plant in a rural area, and at the same time to the Adivasi who lives in that region development means different because they lose their forest land. |
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Q 5. |
Why is violence between two communities considered as a threat to democracy? |
Ans. |
Because violence disturbs not only the social and economic interdependence , but also it adversely affects the secular system. It also hampers the religious freedom of an individual. |
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Q 6. |
In which way did the policy of Non-Alignment serve India’s interests? |
Ans. |
Non-aligned posture served India’s interests in at least two ways: (i) Non-alignment allowed India to take international decisions and stances that served its interests rather than the interests of the superpowers and their allies. (ii) India was often able to balance one superpower against the other. If India felt ignored or unduly pressurized by one superpower, it could tilt towards the other, neither alliance system could take India for granted. |
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