CBSE Class-10 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : NSQF Scheme, Science

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CBSE Class-10 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 :

NSQF Scheme, Science


CBSE Class-10 Question Papers for IOP/Cmptt Examination :  Science



Time allowed : 3 hours

Maximum Marks : 90

Section – A

1. Write chemical name of the compound CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – Br.

2. Name a unicellular organism which reproduces by multiple fission.

3. What is meant by ‘biological magnification’ ?

4. Sumit was sitting at the back in the classroom. He was not able to read the sentences clearly which were written on the black board. What type of eye defect he is suffering from ? Draw ray diagram to show this defect of vision and its correction using a
suitable lens.

5. Which natural resource is considered the ‘biodiversity hot spots’ and why ? Suggest what may happen when there is a loss of biodiversity.

6.We often see domestic waste decomposing in the bye lanes of our residential colony, besides many empty plastic bottles, wrappers etc. lying here and there. Suggest any two arguments to make the residents realise that the improper disposal of waste may be harmful to their own as well as community health.

7. The general formula of the organic compounds ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ is CnH2n. Their boiling points are – 162 ºC, – 42.2 ºC and – 0.5 ºC respectively. Based on this information answer the following :
(a) Which type of compounds ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ are and why ?
(b) Which of these has maximum number of carbon atoms in the molecule and why ?
(c) Write the name and structural formula of the second member of this series.

8.  What is meant by groups and periods in the Modern Periodic Table ? Two elements ‘A’ and ‘B’ belong to group 1 and 2 respectively and are in the same period. How do the following properties of ‘A’ and ‘B’ vary ?
(i) Atomic size

(ii) Metallic character

(iii) Valencies in forming oxides

(iv) Formula of their chlorides

9. The electronic configuration of an element is 2, 8, 7.
(i) What is the group number and period number of this element in the Modern Periodic Table ?
(ii) Is this element a metal or a non-metal ? Give reason to justify your answer.

10.  What are structural isomers ? Why are isomers of first three members of alkane series not possible ? Write the all possible structures of isomer of fourth member of this series.

11.  (a) What is meant by fragmentation in organisms ? Name a multicellular organism which reproduces by this method.
(b) How does regeneration take place ? Why is this process not possible in all animals ?

12.  Differentiate between inherited and acquired traits by giving one example of each. Give reason why the traits acquired during the life time of an individual are not inherited ?

13. What are fossils ? How are they formed ? Explain two roles of fossils in tracing evolutionary relationships.

14.  In our country the legally prescribed minimum age for marriage is 18 years for females and 21 years for males. Why is it essential to fix the minimum age for marriage ? Give three reasons to justify your answer. List three methods for
preventing unwanted pregnancy.

15.  (a) Why does menstruation occur ?
(b) List in tabular form two distinguishing features between a sperm and an ovum.


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Courtesy: CBSE