(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2015-16 : Sculpture-History of Indian Art
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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2015-16 : Sculpture-History of Indian Art
Sculpture (Theory) History of Indian Art
Sample Question Paper 2016
Class – XII
Set - II
Time allowed: 02 hours Maximum Marks: 40
General Instructions:
(i) All the eight questions are compulsory, which carry equal marks.
1. Describe the main features of the Mughal or Deccan School of Miniature painting? 5
2. Appreciate any of the following Painting of the Bengal School included in your course of study, based on its (a) Name of Painting (b) Medium and technique (c) Subject-Matter (d) Composition: 5
(i) Rasa-Lila
(ii) Meghdoot
3. Which human values are shown in any of the following contemporary (Modern) Indian Art-work included in your course of study? Give your answer in short: 5
(1) Mother and child (a painting)
(2) Of walls (a graphic painting)
(3) Cries and heard (a sculpture)
4. How far has it painting been successful in depicting the subject-matter of any of the following miniature paintings? Give your appropriate reasons on the basis of the aesthetical parameters. 5
(a) Krishna on Swing
(b) Cosmic Dance of Shiva
5. Identify and explain any painting based on the following features: 5
∑ The Mughal School of Miniature Painting was secular, in which Hindu God/ Goddesses and saints were depicted.
∑ The tall and slender female figures were rendered with fine and rhythmic lines in the Deccan School of Miniature Painting.
6. What is symbolized by each of the following used in the Indian National Flag? 5
(a) India Saffron Colour
(b) White Colour
(c) India Green Colour
(d) Ashokan-Wheel
(e) 24 Spokes in Ashokan-Wheel
7. Mention the titles of any two Sculptures, two graphics-prints and a painting of the contemporary (Modern) Indian Art included in your Course of Study. 5
8. Mention the names of any five Sub-Schools of the Rajasthani and Pahari Schools of Miniature
Painting included in your Course of Study.
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Courtesy: CBSE