CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : All India Scheme, Basic Pattern Development
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CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 :
All India Scheme, Basic Pattern Development
Time allowed : 2 hours
Maximum Marks : 50
General Instructions :
(i) Attempt all questions.
(ii) Illustrate your answers wherever possible
Section – A
Attempt all questions
1.Define ease.
2.Why is sizing system important for a ready-to-wear garment industry ?
3.What do you understand by a well-fitted garment ?
4.Define the term Empire Line.
5.What are the disadvantages of cutting the garment off grain ?
Section – B
Give very brief answers.
6. For which garments knee measurements are important ? How is knee girth measurement taken ?
7. What is the purpose of French curve and leg curve ?
8. Name different types of pleats.
Give the difference between shell tucks and cross tucks.
9. Why is the poncha of a salwar stiffened ? List various parts of a salwar.
10. Which fabric is recommended for test fit and why ?
Explain in brief two methods of fitting.
Section – C
Give brief answers in 70-75 words :
11. What do you understand by the terms patterns and pattern making ?
12. Give the difference between layered ease and style ease.
13 Draw a well labelled dart and give its importance in pattern making.
Draw a well labelled diagram of a bodice sloper giving all the seam allowances.
14. What is Facing ? Explain different types of facings giving diagrams.
15. Give the advantages and disadvantages of direct method of making patterns.
Which measurements are required for developing a neckline ? List various design possibilities in necklines.