(Biology) Paper : AIPMT 2007 Biology Mains (Part -2)
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: AIPMT 2007 Biology Mains (Part -2)
All India Pre-Medical / Pre-Dental Entrance Examination
Q. 11.Differentiate between
- Habitat and Niche
- Flora and Vegetation
Habitat : Habitat is a place where an organism lives. It represents a
particular set of environmental conditions suitable for its
successful growth.
Niche : Niche represents not only the place where an organism lives but the range of conditions and resource qualities within which a species can survive and reproduce.
Flora : Total number of plant species found in an area constitutes it’s
Vegetation : Types of plants found in an area constitute the vegetation
of the area e.g., Xerophytic vegetation is found in deserts.
Q. 12. Answer the following question:
- Apart from CO2 , name other green house gases
- What is the type of movement of twiner and opening of flower?
- CFCs, CH4 (methane), N2O (nitrous oxide)
- Thigmotropism, Epinasty.
Q. 13. Three groups of baby mice
- kept on complete diet
- fed basal diet without nutrient to be tested
- basal diet + carotene by feeding carrots
(a) What is the trend shown by the graph?
(b) Which nutrient deficiency is prevented is group c.
(c) How does the overdose of Retinol, pyridoxine and ascorbic acid is dealt by
the body?
Sol. (a) Growth and weight are diet
(i) a shows complete growth.
(ii) c shows moderate kind of growth.
(iii) b shows retarded growth.
(b) Vitamin A
(c) Overdoses of Retinol lead to Hyper vitaminosis because it is a fat soluble
vitamin while pyridoxine and ascorbic acid are excreted in urine.
Q. 14. Out of following animals – answer
the questions.
Whale, Earthworm, Bat, Starfish, Scorpion, Honey bee, Peafowl.
- Which animal is different from rest of animals?
- How many of these are poisonous, which class they belong to?
- Which animals belong to same class?
- Which animals are only representatives of their phylum?
- Which of the following have 3 ear ossicles. Name the ossicles in the order of sound transmission.
- Starfish: Starfish has radial symmetry while others have Bilateral ymmetry.
- Honey bee and scorpion are poisonous. Honey bee belongs to class insecta while scorpion belongs to class Arachinida.
- Whale and Bat both belong to class mammalia.
- Starfish and Earthworm belong to only representative of their phylum.
- Bat and Whale have malleus, Incus, Stapes in order of sequence.
Q. 15. Age-Sex pyramid of (a) developed (b) developing nation.
- In the next 30 – 40 years what would be the trend of population years in both
- Where would the economic development per capita be greater?
- Where will there be more professional job opportunities, leading to migration? In IT, Nurses.
population remains stable.
exponential growth.
- A
- A, migration takes place from
Q. 16.
Diagram: Diagrammatic presentation of reflex action (showing knee jerk reflex)
- Which reflex is it?
- Where is it striking?
- What are errors in the above diagram?
- It is knee jerk reflex.
- Patella is striked to Judge the reflex.
- Efferent and Afferent pathway are reversed.
- White matter and gray matter are reversed.
Q. 17.
- Nictitating membrane and Vermiform appendix are examples of which type of organs.
- Define vestigial organs
- Out of coccyx, mammary glands muscles of external ear and opacity of eye due to cataract are these 4 in same categories.
- They are vestigial organs.
- Vestigial organs are those organs which were functional in ancestors now have become functionless.
- Opacity of eye due to cataract is not vestigial.
Q. 18.
Function of (1) and (2) in each diagram
Q. 19. In photorespiration, RuBP is
oxidized to form glycolate and glycerate. Glycolate enters the PCO cycle to
regenerate glycerate. Draw a flow diagram of photorespiration to show different
intermediates and the cell
organelles involved.