(Date Sheet) Madhya Pradesh Board | Date Sheet for Higher Secondary and Vocational Exam 2010
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Madhya Pradesh Board | Date Sheet for Higher Secondary and Vocational Exam 2010
Board of Secondary Education Madhya Pradesh
Time Table of Board Examinations – 2010
Date Sheet Higher Secondary Exam & Higher Secondary Vocational Exam-2010
Time: Afternoon 2:00pm to 05.00 pm
Day | Date | Subject |
Wednesday | 03/03/2010 | Special Language Hindi |
Thursday | 04/03/2010 | Indian Music |
Saturday | 06/03/2010 | Special Language English |
Monday | 08/03/2010 | Special Language Marathi |
Tuesday | 09/03/2010 | Higher Mathematics |
Wednesday | 10/03/2010 | Drawing & Designing |
Thursday | 11/03/2010 | 1. Political Science 2. Animal Hus, Milk trade, poultry Farming & Fishery 3. Element of Science 4. History of Indian Art 5. Business Economics (foundation course) 6. Environmental education and rural development + Entrepreneurship (VOC) |
Friday | 12/03/2010 | Special Language Sanskrit |
Saturday | 13/03/2010 | 1. Biology 2. First paper vocational courses (VOC) |
Monday | 15/03/2010 | Information Practices |
Thursday | 18/03/2010 | 1. Geography 2. Chemistry 3. Crop, Production & Horticulture 4. Still Life & Design 5. Anatomy Physiology & Health 6. Second paper vocational courses (VOC) |
Friday | 19/03/2010 | Biotechnology |
Saturday | 20/03/2010 | 1. Book-Keeping & Accountancy 2. Third paper vocational courses (VOC) |
Monday | 22/03/2010 | First Language – Special: Punjabi, Sindhi, Bengali, Gujarati, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam & Kannad |
Tuesday | 23/03/2010 | 1. History 2. Physics 3. Business Studies 4. Ele. of Science & Maths Useful for Agriculture 5. Drawing & Painting 6. Home Management, Nutrition & Textile |
Friday | 26/03/2010 | Second Language – General: Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Urdu, Panjabi, Sindhi, Bengali, Gujarati, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Arabic, Persian, French, Russian, Kannad & Oriya |
Monday | 29/03/2010 | Economics |
Wednesday | 31/03/2010 | Special Language Urdu |
Saturday | 03/04/2010 | 1. Sociology 2. Psychology 3. Agriculture (Humanities Group) 4. Home Science (Art Groups) |
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