(Syllabus) CBSE Class 11th & 12th : Engineering Graphics Syllabus 2011 (Code No: 046)
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Courses of Studies 2011
Class : 11th & 12th
Engineering Graphics (Code No 046)
The subject of ‘Engineering Graphics’ has become an indispensable tool for Engineers, Technocrats, Architects, Draftsmen, Surveyors, Designers and many others professionals in the recent times. Understanding of its fundamental principles and wider applications of the same in the above fields and many other daily life situations form the basis for the syllabus at Senior Secondary Stage.
The study of the subject of Engineering Graphics at Senior School Level aims at
helping the learner to:
• develop clear concept and perception of form, proportion and purpose.
• develop the skill of expressing three-dimensional and two-dimensional objects
into professional language and vice versa.
• acquire the ability to readily draw neat sketches, often needed in "On-job
• develop a clear understanding of plane and solid Geometry and machine drawing
so as to apply the same in relevant practical fields such as technology and
• acquire speed and accuracy in use of drawing instruments.
• Using technology (CAD) in developing isometric and othographics projections of
simple objects.
Class XI
One Paper 3 Hours 70 Marks
1. Lines, angles and rectilnear figures 4
2. Circles, semi-circles and tangents 6
3. Special curves : ellipse, parabola, involute, cycloid. helix and
sine-curve 6 Marks
4. Orthographic-projections of points, lines laminae, (plane) and
solids 12 Marks
5. Section of
15 Marks
6. Orthographic projections of simple machine-blocks 12 Marks
7. Isometric-projection of laminae (plane) figures 10 Marks
8. Development of
surfaces 5 Marks
Unit 1: Construction of lines, angles and their divisions. Simple questions
based on triangles, square, rhombus, trapeziums, regular polygons-pentagon,
hexagon and octagon. 0 8 Pds.
Unit 2: Construction of circles, external and internal tangents of circles,
inscribing of circles in equilateral triangle, square, rhombus, regular
polygons-pentagon, hexagon and octagon. 10Pds.
Unit 3: (a) Special curves : Construction of ellipses by the following methods:
(i) Concentric circles
(ii) Intersecting arcs
(iii) Intersecting lines
(b) Parabola by the following methods:
(i) Intersecting lines
(ii) Intersecting arcs
(c) Involute of a circle.
(d) Cycloid, helix and sine curve 20 Pds.
Unit 4: Methods of orthographic projections and dimensioning strictly as per SP:
46- 1988 revised conventions. Projection of points, lines, regular plane figure
and right regular solids such as cubes, prisms and pyramids (square, triangular,
pentagonal and hexagonal), cones, cylinders, spheres, hemi-spheres and frustum
of pyramids and cone when they are kept with their axis (a) perpendicular, to
HP/VP (b) parallel to one plane and inclined to the
other (c) parallel to HP and VP both. 40 Pds.
Unit 5: Section of solids under the same conditions mentioned above made by the
horizontal, vertical and inclined planes, also showing true-shape of section. 45
Unit 6: Orthographic projections of simple machine blocks. 40 Pds.
Unit 7: Construction of Isometric scale showing main divisions of 10 mm and
smaller divisions of 1 mm each. Isometric projection(drawn to isometric scale)
of figures such as triangles, squares, pentagons, hexagons, circles and
semi-circles with their surface parallel to HP or VP and its one side or
diagonal or diameter should be either parallel or perpendicular toHP/VP 5Pds.
Unit 8: Development of the surfaces of following solids:
1. Cube, cuboid, prisms–triangular, square, pentagonal and hexagonal.
2. Pyramids (triangular, square, pentagonal and hexagonal).
3. Right-circular-cylinder and cone 10 Pds.
Practicals : One paper (Practical) 3 hours 30 Marks
1. Developing "Prisms" & "Pyramids" with the help of card board (thick paper).
2. Developing different types of packing boxes (cartons).
3. Making different types of graphics designs/murals for interior/exterior decorations using coloured laminae using the knowledge of circumscribing, inscribing and describing of plane geometrical figures.
4. Drawing ellipse by
(a)Trammel method
(b)Thread method
On ground or drawing-sheets/ply-wood.
5. Preparing top-view (plan) of a
(b)Hoom : Drawing rooms/Bedrooms/Studyroom/Kitchen
(c) Engineering Graphic Rooms
Showing different objects in it
6. Drawing through activities:
(a) Involutes
(b) Cycloid
(c) Helix
(d) Sine-curves and listing their uses in daily life.
7. Preparing the following sections of solids (prisms, pyramids, sphere etc.)
with clay, soap,thermocol, plasticine, wax or any other material easily and
economically available. When the cutting plane is:
(i) parallel to the base
(ii) perpendicular to the base
(iii) inclined to the base
Also creating different objects with combination of above solids.
Note :
I. In all the practicals drawing/sketching of the views should be
incorporated and evaluated accordingly.
II. The scheme of evaluation is as follows:
(a) Practicals(2) 15 Marks
(b) Drawing/Sketch 05 Marks
(c) Viva-voce 05 Marks
(d) Sessional Work 05 Marks
One Paper 3 Hours 70 Marks
I. Isometric projections of solids 25
II. Machine Drawing
A. Drawing of Machine parts 15
B. Sectional view of assembly of machine parts: 30 Marks
1. Bearings
2. Rod joints
3. Tie-rod and pipe joints
4. Couplings
5. Pulleys
Unit I: Isometric projection of solids
50 Pds.
Construction of isometric scale showing main divisions of 10mm and smaler
divisions of 1mm, also showing the leading angles. Helping view/s such as
triangles, pentagon, hexagon etc. can be drawn using scale 1:1 or isometric
scale. Hidden lines are not required in isometric projection.
Isometric projections (drawn to isometric scale) of solids such as cube, regular
prism and pyramids (triangular, square, pentagonal and hexagonal), cone,
cylinder, sphere, hemi-sphere, frustum of right regular pyramids (triangular,
square, pentagonal, hexagonal) and cone, when they are cut by a plane parallel
to the base. The axis of the solid should be either perpendicular to H.P. / VP
or parallel to HP and VP both. (Indicate the direction of viewing)
Combination of two solids (except "frustum" of Pyramids and Cone) Keeping the
base side parallel or perpendicular to H.P./V.P. and placed centrally together,
but in no case the common axis of both the solids should be given parallel to
Note: Question on single solid will be asked in vertical
position only.
Unit II: Machine Drawing
A. Drawing of machine parts 36 Pds.
(i) Drawing to full size scale with instruments. 9 marks
(Internal choice will be given between ony two of the following).
nomenclature of threads: Standard profiles of screw threads (square, knuckle,
B.S.W. Metric (external and internal) and bolts (square, Hexagonal, Tee and
Hook); Nuts: (square and hexagonal), Plain washer, combination of nut and bolt
with or without washer for assembling two parts together, single riveted lap
joint with standard dimensions.
(ii) Free-hand sketches 6 marks
(Internal choice will be given between any two of the following.
Conventional representation of external and internal threads; studs (plain,plain
with squareneck and collar); screws (round-head, cheese-head, 900 flat
countersunk-head, hexagonal socket-head and grub-screws; Types of rivets:- snap
head, pan head-without tapered neck, flat head and 600 countersunk flat head;
Types of sunk-keys (rectangular taper, woodruff and double- head feather key
with gib head on both ends).
B. Students are required to attempt either Assembly drawings (All) or
Dis-assembly drawings (asterix marked only) of the following Machine
parts. 82 Pds.
1. In all the Assembly drawings, only half sectional front view will be asked
and the other half without section. Side/End view or Top View/Plan will be drawn
without section, wherever applicable.
2. In all the Dis-assembly drawings (asterix marked only), only two orthographic
views (one of the two views may be half in section or full in section) of any
two parts.
3. (a) In all sectional views, hidden lines / edges are not to be shown.
(b) In all full views, hidden /edges are to be shown.
1. Bearings
* (i) Open-Bearing
* (ii) Bushed-Bearing
* (iii) Footstep-Bearing (only sectional front-view will be asked)
* (iv)Simple Plummer-Block (only sectional front view will be asked with
only round brasses).
2. Rod-Joints
* (i) Cotter-joints for circular-rods (socket and spigot joint)
* (ii) Cotter-joints for round-rods (sleeve and cotter joint)
* (iii) Cotter-joints for square rods (Gib and cotter-joint)
* (iv)Knuckle-joints (only sectional front view will be asked)
3. Tie-rod and Pipe-joint
(i) Turnbuckle
(ii) Flange pipe joint
4. Couplings
(i) Unprotected Flange Coupling (having socket and spigot arrangement)
(ii) Protected Flange Coupling
5. Pulleys
(i) Solid cast Iron Pulley (upto 200 mm diameter) having solid web
(ii) Single groove V-belt pulley (upto 200 mm diameter)
One paper (Practical) 3 Hours 30 Marks, 72 Pds.
(I) To perform the following jobs from the given views of the prescribed Machine Block (One).
1. Copy the given views - 1
2. Drawing the missing view with hidden lines - 2
3. Sketching the Isometric view vithout hidden edges - 5
4. To make the machine block of the above in three dimensions.
(not to scale but approximately proportionately) drawn with any medium i.e.
thermocol, soap-cake, plasticine, clay, wax, orchsis ( available with flowerists)
etc. - 7
(II) "Comuter aided design" CAD – Project - 10
Project file to be submitted on the simple solids (Prism, Pyramids and frustums
of equilateral triangle, square, pentagon and hexgon) or machine blocks as
prescribed in part-I by using the "computer aided design" CAD software.
(III) (i) Sessional work relating to machine blocks as prescribed. - 3
(ii) Viva-voice based on part-I and
part-II - 2