(Syllabus) CBSE Class 11th & 12th : Home Science Syllabus 2011 (Code No: 064)

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Courses of Studies 2011
Class : 11th & 12th
Home Science (Code No 064)

Home Science as a discipline aims to empower learners by developing understanding of four different areas, namely:
• Food and Nutrition
• Human Development
• Community Resource Management and Extension
• Fabric and Apparel Science

The subject helps students to understand changing needs of Indian society, academic principles as well as develop professional skills.  This would make them competent to meet challenges of becoming a responsible citizen.


The Syllabus at Senior Secondary level develops in the learners an understanding that the knowledge and skills acquired through Home Science facilitates development of self, family and community. It endeavours to –
1. acquaint learners with the basics of human development with specific reference to self and child.
2. help develop skills of judicious management of various resources.
3. enable learners to become alert and aware consumers.
4. impart knowledge of nutrition and lifestyles to enable prevention and management of disease.
5. inculcate healthy food habits.
6. help, develop understanding of textiles for selection and care of clothes.
7. develop skills of communication to assist in advocacy and dissemination of knowledge to community.

One Paper (Theory) Time: 3 Hours 70 Marks

I. Concept of Home Science 02 Marks
II. Know myself 17 Marks
III. Nutrition for Self and Family 17 Marks
IV. My Resources 17 Marks
V. My Apparel 17 Marks

Unit I: Concept of Home Science and its Scope (Periods 2)

Home Science, its scope.

Unit II: Know myself : Issues related to adolescents (Periods 33)
Adolescence, meaning, early (12-15 years) and late (16 – 18 years) adolescence, early and late maturers.
Characteristics: Cognitive Development: Transition from concrete to formal operations; physical Development: Growth spurt, sexual development; Social and Emotional development: importance of peer group, interest in the opposite sex, varied and changing interests, concern about future; adolescence a period of strain and stress.
Important developmental tasks: accepting one’s physique; achieving new and more matured relations with agemates of both sexes; achieving a masculine/feminine social gender role; achieving emotional independence from parents; preparing for career; reproductive health and prevention of anaemia.
Individual differences: difference between same sex, differences across the two sexes, early and late maturers, role of heredity and environment (family, peers, school and neighbourhood).
Interpersonal Skills: with the family, peers and members of the community.
Special needs of adolescents – (i) Nutritional requirements: qualitative and quantitative;
(ii) exercise and entertainment; importance of physical activity in social development and prevention of obesity (iii) understanding from parents.
Some problems of adolescence: awkwardness due to growth spurt; freedom and control; depression; alcohol, drugs and smoking; delinquency; problem related to sex; ignorance and increased curiosity; prevention of HIV / AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases; Population Education: problems of over population; neglect of girl child: causes, prevention, legal and social laws, government incentives to improve status of girl child, desire for male
child; small family norms.

Unit III : Nutrition for Self and Family (Periods 45)
Definition and relationship between food, nutrition, health: nutritional status; classification of foods on the basis of nutrients and functions; nutritional status and calorie intake as a basis of poverty line.
Functions of food: body building, energy giving, protective, regulatory; physiological, psychological and socio-cultural; signs of good health; physical status, psychological status, mental ability, mortality and longevity.
Selection of foods for optimum nutrition and good health: basic knowledge of nutrients – sources, functions, deficiency and prevention; proteins, carbohydrates, fat, dietary fibre, vitamins – A, D.
B 1, B2, niacin, folic acid, B 12 and vitamin C; minerals-calcium, iron and iodine. Basic food groups (ICMR) and their contribution; concept of balanced diet; food and nutritional requirements for family (ICMR tables); factors influencing selection of food: culture, family food practices, media, peer group and availability of foods.

Maximum nutritive value from food by proper selection, preparation, cooking and storage:
Selection and storage of foods-perishable, semi-perishable, non-perishable; convenience foods; Reasons for spoilage; brief description of household methods of preservation-refrigeration, dehydration, use of chemicals and household preservatives. Preparation of food; loss of nutrients during preparation of food and their minimization; Cooking; principles of cooking; Methods of cooking-boiling, steaming, pressure cooking, deep and shallow frying, parboiling, sauteing, roasting and grilling; Effect of cooking on the nutritive value of food; Method of enhancing nutritive value-germination,
fermentation, fortification and proper food combination.

Unit IV: My Resources (Periods 36)
Resources: meaning, types: (i) human-knowledge, skills, time, energy, attitudes; (ii) material: money, goods, property; (iii) community facilities; Schools, parks, hospitals, roads, transport, water, electricity, fuel, fodder; need to manage the resources; methods of conservation of shared
Management: meaning and need for management; steps in management: planning, organizing, controlling, implementing and evaluation; decision making and its role in management.
Time and energy management: need and procedure for managing time for occupation and leisure; work simplification: meaning and methods; activities in the home: sleeping, studying, cooking, eating, bathing, washing, entertaining-need to organize space for these activities; use of colours and accessories to make these centres attractive; role of different members of the family in efficient running of a home.
Work ethics: meaning and importance; discipline at work place; reaching on time, staying in seat, knowing the job, using polite language.

Unit V: My Apparel (Periods 34)
Fibre Science: types of fibres: (i) natural-cotton, silk and wool; (ii) man-made pure rayon nylon and polyester) and blend (terrycot, terrysilk, terrywool,).
Fabric Construction: Basic procedure of any yarn making (spinning, mechanical spinning, chemical spinning, weaving: plain, twill & satin, other methods-knitting and nonwoven, effect of weaves on appearance, durability and maintenance of garment.
Finishing: meaning and importance; types: (i) basic: cleaning, bleaching, stiffening, tantering; (ii) special: mercerisation, shrinkage control, water proofing; dyeing and printing.

Time: 3 Hours 30 Marks

I. Concept of Home Science –
II. Know myself –
III. Nutrition for Self & Family 8 Marks
IV. My Resources 8 Marks
V. My Apparel 7 Marks
Record 5 Marks
Viva 2 Marks

Unit I : Concept of Home Science (Periods 2)
Unit II : Know myself : issues related to adolescents (Periods 8 )
Activity: Observe and test your own strengths and weaknesses; Discuss about them in class with your teacher and fellow students; take decision about maximum utilization of strength and improvement upon weaknesses.
Activity: Report situations from your life to indicate your interaction within the family, with peers and with members of the community.
Unit III : Nutrition for Self and Family (Periods 28 )
Activity: Look for signs of good health within your family.
Activity: Make a list of foods available in the local market according to food groups.
Activity: Observe how different food stuffs are stored at home and evaluate the effectiveness of the method; practise skills to preserve and optimise nutrients by preparing meals and snacks.
Practical: Preparing meals and snacks
Practical: Household methods of food preservation – Jam, Squash / Syrup Pickles / Chutney.
Unit IV : My Resources (Periods 30)
Activity (Observation): Observe and list resources available at home and in neighbourhood. Make a detailed study on available community resource and its management, suggest improvements.
Activity: Critically evaluate anyone activity centre of your house. Suggest improvements.
Activity: Suggest a work plan for yourself for a day and state where and why will you take help from others.

Practicals: Make flower and foliage arrangements, floor decorations, clean and polish brass, glass, iron, aluminium and plastic surfaces.

Unit V : My Apparel (Periods 24)
Activity: Collect samples of fabrics and study characteristics for identification.
Activity: Collect samples of weaves and identify them.
Practicals: Carry out burning test, slippage test, tearing test and test for colour fastness.
Practical: Dyeing: plain and tie dye printing: use blocks (available or make you own) on small sample.

One Paper (Theory) Time: 3 Hours 70 Marks

I. Know Little Children 17 Marks
II. Nutrition for Self and Family 17 Marks
III. Money Management and Consumer Education 17 Marks
IV. My Apparel 17 Marks
V. Things I can do with my Home Science Training 2 Marks

Unit I: Know Little Children (0-3 years) (Periods 34)
Some specific characteristics: physical and motor-height, weight and body proportions; motor development during 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-9 months, 9-12 months and 1-3 years (milestones only); social and emotional developments; recognition of people around; socialization, expression of emotions; cognitive development; learning through concrete operations and language development.
Protection from preventable diseases: immunization – concept and types (natural and acquired), breast feeding (one of the ways to develop natural immunity); immunization chart; symptoms and incubation period of childhood diseases – TB, DPT, polio, measles, cholera, diarrhoea.
Special needs of disadvantaged and disabled children: socially disadvantaged, physically handicapped (partially blind & deaf, affected/missing limb): characteristics & needs.
Substitute care at home and outside: siblings, grand parents, neighbours creche, day care centres etc: Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) – objectives and functions.

Unit II : Nutrition for Self and Family (Periods 36)
Planning meals for the family: meaning and importance of meal planning, principles and factors affecting meal planning, planning meals for the family; keeping in mind the needs of individual members, including children, pregnant women, lactating mother, members suffering from fever and diarrhoea; role and preparation of ORS.
Ways to ensure good health for the family: using safe drinking water-importance of potable water for good health, qualities of safe drinking water; household methods of making water safe for drinking; boiling, filtering, use of alum and chlorine tablet role of hygiene for food handlers at home level. Safety against food adulteration, definition and meaning of food adulteration as given by PFA; common adulterants present in cereals, pulses, milk and milk products, fats and oils, sugar, jaggery, honey, spices and condiments. Ill effects of some of the adulterants present in the foods: kesari dal, metanil yellow, argemone seeds.
Unit III : Money Management and Consumer Education (Periods 36)
Family Income: various sources of family income: (i) money income, (ii) real income, direct and indirect; Supplementing family income-need & ways; need and procedure for keeping household accounts.
Savings and Investment: meaning and importance of savings; ways/methods of investmentbanks, post-office, LIC, Units, PPF, PF; basis for selection of method of investment risk, security, profit, tax saving.
Consumer Protection and Education: meaning, problems faced by consumer, Consumer Protection Act (1986) and Services; Consumer aids: labels, standardization marks, advertising, guidebooks/leaflets, Consumer redressal forum.
Unit IV: My Apparel (Periods 35)
Clothing and its relation to personality: Elements of line, colour, texture: elements of design: balance, rhythm, proportion, harmony, emphasis; factors that influence the selection of clothes: personality, age, climate, occupation, figure, occasion, fashion; selection and purchase of fabrics.
Purpose, quality, cost, season, reliable shop.
Checking size and quality in ready-made garments, need and criteria: seams, hem, plackets, fasteners, workmanship, design, drape.
Care of clothes: General principles and precautions to be followed while removing stains and washing: Cleansing agents: soaps and detergents (basic differences); Storage of clothes.
Unit V: Things I can do with my Home Science Education (Periods 3)
Application of knowledge of Home Science in everyday life. Usefulness of some of the skills learnt here for supplementing family income. Skills learnt here can be gainfully used for employment (self-employment, apprenticeship).

Further training required to make this field a career: various sources and facilities available for training.

Time: 3 Hours 30 Marks

I. Know Little Children 3 Marks
II. Nutrition for Self and Family 11 Marks
III. Money Management and Consumer Education 3 Marks
IV. My Apparel 6 Marks
V. Things I can do with my Home Science Training –
Record 5 Marks
Viva 2 Marks

Unit I : Know Little Children (0-3 years) (Periods 2)
Activity: Observe a child in neighbourhood or at home for various milestones of physical and motor developments and prepare a chart.
Practical: Make an interview schedule for working mother.
Activity: Interview three mothers working outside the home to find out their arrangements of substitute care for their children (0-3 yrs) in their absence.
Practical-Prepare a chart of milestones
Practical: Prepare a chart for immunization of a child.

Unit II : Nutrition for Self and Family (Periods 22)
Practicals: Plan meals for the family and carry out modifications to suit individual needs including persons suffering from fever or diarrhoea and for pregnant and lactating mother. Prepare and serve one dish.
Practical: Preparation of oral rehydration solution
Practical: Simple tests for checking adulteration in-
(i) Cereals
(ii) Pulses
(iii) Milk and milk products
(iv) Tea leaves
(v) Dhania powder

(vi) Red chillies
(vii) Haldi powder
(viii) Gur (Jaggery)
(ix) Black Pepper (Whole)
(x) Mustard oil

Unit III: Money management and Consumer Education (Periods 8 )
Activity: Open an account. Find out and report how an account is opened in a bank and post office. Collect and fill forms.
Activity: Read and evaluate labels of any four household items bearing different standardization marks.
Practical: Fill bank/post office forms
Practical: Prepare one label each for four household items/products bearing different standardization marks.

Unit IV : My Apparel (Periods 42)
Practical : Make sample of
(a) basic stitches and seams:
(i) Running Stitch
(ii) Hemming
(iii) Blind stitch
(iv) Inter-locking
(b) Fasteners – Buttons and hooks.
(c) Patch work
or make an apron and incorporate all the above (a, b, and c).
Practical: Examine quality in ready-made garments.
Practicals: Relative effect of temperature of water on the clothes during the process of washing
clothes (cold, lukeworm, hot). Draw conclusions and how this knowledge is helpful.

Removal of stains of –
(i) Tea stain
(ii) Coffee stain
(iii) Curry

(iv) Grease
(v) Ball point ink
(vi) Lipstick
(vii) Blood
Practical: Make a soap/detergent (liquid/powder/cake)

Instructions to the Examiners:

Group A
1. Three marks are allotted to Q. No. 1 in group A and Know little Children. Any question can be selected from the list of questions given in Group A. 3 marks for correct chart of milestones/ immunisation/interview schedule for working mothers.

Group B
2. Eight marks are allotted to Q. No. 2 in Group 2 in Group B on ‘Nutrition for Self and Family’. Any question can be selected from the list of questions given in Group B Part (a). Further subdivision of eight marks :
(i) Planning and selection of foods according to specific requirements 2 Marks
(ii) Preparation of one dish 3 Marks
(iii) Service 2 Marks
(iv) Work place and method of work 1 Mark
3. Three marks are allotted for question No. 3 from Group B Part (b and c). Further Sub-division of three marks:
(i) Preparation of oral dehydration solution 3 Marks
detection of adulterant
1 mark for correct test
2 marks for correct identification of adulterant.
4. Three marks are allotted to Q. No. 4 from Group C on Money management and consumer education. Further sub-division of three marks:
Selection of correct form 1 Mark
Correct filling of form 2 Marks
Preparation of label 2 Marks
Correct quality mark according to the product 1 Mark

5. Three marks are allotted to Q. No. 5 from Group D part (a) on ‘My Apparel’.
Three Marks for checking of quality of ready-made garment
Three Marks for correct reporting of effect of temperature on a particular cloth.
6. Three Marks are allotted to Q. No. 6 from Group D (part d+e). Further sub-division of two marks
Selection of correct detergent
Removal of stain – using chemicals/detergents/bleach 1 Mark
Selection of correct ingredients 1 Mark
Preparation of soap/detergent 1 Mark
7. Class Record 5 Marks
8. Viva – questions should be related to practicals conducted during the examination 2 Marks

General Instructions:
A. Out of the several alternatives given in each group of questions only one is to be assigned to the group.
B. Preparation of dish means-methodical procedure, economical use of ingredient and finished product.
C. Neat work
D. In all, six questions are to be selected.
1 from Group A 3 Marks
2 from Group B 8 + 3 = 11 Marks
1 from Group C 3 Marks
2 from Group 3 + 3 = 6 Marks
Record 5 Marks
Viva 2 Marks

List of Questions

Q. No. I : List of questions regarding the experiments from Group A (Unit I parts a, b and c). 3 Marks
1. Prepare a chart to record the milestones of physical development of child from 0-1 year

2. Prepare a chart to record the milestones of language development of a child from 0-3 years.
3. Prepare a chart to record the milestones of motor development of a child from 0-3 years.
4. Prepare an immunisation chart for a child from 0-3 years.
5. Prepare an interview schedule for a working mother to find out the arrangement for her pre-school child in her absence.

Q. No. II : List of questions regarding the experiments from Group B (Unit II part a ). 8 Marks
1. Plan meal for a family and suggest modifications for: any one of the following:
a lactating mother / a pregnant woman / a person suffering from diarrhoea / a person suffering from fever Prepare one of the modified dishes.

Q. No. III : List of questions regarding the experiments from Group B (Unit II parts b and c). 3 Marks
1. Prepare oral rehydration solution. (ORS)
2. Test adulteration and identify the adulterant in one of the following:
(i) Cereals
(ii) Pulses
(iii) Milk and Milk Products
(iv) Tea leaves
(v) Dhania Powder
(vi) Gur (Jaggery)
(vii) Haldi Powder
(viii) Black Pepper (Whole)

Q. No. IV : List of questions regarding the experiments from Group C (Unit III parts a and b). 3 Marks
1. Select and fill form for one of the following:
(a) To withdraw small amount of money.
(b) To withdraw large amount of money.
(c) To open an account in post office/bank.
(d) To deposit money in cash / cheque.
2. Prepare label for any food product with proper quality mark.

Q. No. V : List of questions regarding the experiments from Group D (Unit IV parts a, b and c) 3 Marks
1. Make a sample of any one of the following:
(i) Hemming
(ii) Running stitch
(iii) Blind stitch
(iv) Inter locking
(v) Fasteners – buttons or hook
2. Examine two points (seams fasteners, patch, embroidery, finishing of edges) in a readymade garment and write your observations.
3. Test the effect of temperature of water (hot, lukewarm and cold on cotton / wool/silk / nylon /terricot cloth) and record your observations.

Q. No. VII : List of questions regarding the experiments from Group D (Unit IV parts c and d). 3 Marks
1. Remove one of the following stains from a cotton cloth.
(i) Tea stain
(ii) Coffee stain
(iii) Curry stain
(iv) Grease
(v) Ball point ink
(vi) Lipstick
(vii) Blood
2. Prepare liquid soap
3. Prepare powder detergent

List of articles to be supplied by the centre:
1. Cooking utensils for each candidate – Dekchi (saucepan) with cover, Karahi, Tawa, Chakla-Belen, Karchi, Karahi, Spoons, Frying Spoons, Fry pan, Stove or Gas Burner, Match box, Pressure Cooker.
2. Sample of adulterated food.
3. Chemicals and reagents for detection of adulteration.
4. Sample of stain.
5. Reagents for removal of stains.
6. Dry and fresh ingredients according to the question paper set e.g. besan, dal, vegetables, milk, spices etc.

7. Different types of bank and post-office forms.
8. Drawing sheets and plain papers. .
9. Gum.
10. Samples of different types of cloth (to test effect of temperature of water).
11. Ingredients for preparation of soaps and detergents.
12. Water arrangements.

List of articles to be brought by the candidates:
1. Serving utensils and cutlery.
2. Table cloth, napkin, tray.
3. Tray
4. Painting colours and brushes, felt pen, eraser, scale, scissors.
5. Cloth (10 cm x 10 cm) (for sample of stitches).
6. Any ready-made garment (may be used).
7. Needle and thread.
8. Hooks and buttons.
9. Dusters – 2
10. Newspapers – 2 sheets
11. Class record or sessional work.

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