(Model Paper) Andhra Pradesh Board Intermediate 1st Year Model Question Papers (Psychology)

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Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh


Time : 3 hours
Max. Marks : 60


Answer Any THREE of the following questions : 3 x 10 = 30 Marks

1. What is Psychology ? Explain the use of Experimental method in Psychology.
2. Explain the various principles involved in perceptual organisations.
3. What are the adjustment problems faced during the crucial period of adolescence ?
4. Discuss Pavolv’s classical conditioning. Bring out the differences between classical and operant conditioning.
5. What are the different memory systems ? Compare LTM and STM.


Answer any EIGHT of the following short answer questions : 8 x 5 = 40 Marks
1. Explain the role of Psychologists in Industries.
2. Mention the various stages of Human Development.
3. What are the Psychological factors affecting perception ?
4. Explain Bandura’s Observation learning theory. Give one example of your own.
5. Explain how study skills help to improve your learning.
6. Discuss the factors influencing attention.
7. How is the survey method used in the study of human behaviour.
8. Explain the reasons for forgetting.
9. Explain the role of heredity in intelligence.
10. How does mnemonics help in improving memory.
11. Explain the role played by Psychologists in educational settings.
12. How does a mother use the Operant conditioning technique to help her son overcome the nail biting habit ?


Define or Explain any 15 of the following in two or three sentences each.: 15 x 2 = 30 Marks
1. Counter-balancing techniques
2. Social Psychology
3. Genes
4. Illusion
5. Operant conditioning
6. Transfer of learning
7. Motivated forgetting
8. Social Environment
9. Figure and Ground
10. Positive reinforcement
11. Generalisation
12. Applied Psychology
13. Twin studies
14. Clinical Psychology
15. Basic Psychology
16. Variables
17. Chunking
18. Curve of Retention
19. Recognition
20. Recall