Telangana State Board CLASS-12 Model Question Papers - Economics Paper II
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(Download) Telangana Board Exam CLASS-12 Model Question Papers
Exam Name : Telangana Board Exam CLASS-12 Model Question Papers
Subject : Economics Paper II
Year : 2009-10
IPE Model Question Paper
Economics – Paper II (w.e.f. 2009-10)
Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks:100
Section - A
I. Answer any three out of the following five questions: 3x10=30
1. Explain the theory of Demographic Transition?
2. What are the Causes of poverty? And explain the remedial measures to alleviate it?
3. Describe the importance of agriculture in Indian Economy?
4. What is the small scale Industries? And give an account of the problems encountered by them?
5. Explain the Regional Imbalances in Andhra Pradesh?
Section – B
II Answer any eight out the following twelve questions:8 X 5 = 40
6. What are the determinant factors of Economic Development?
7. Explain the characteristic features of Andhra Pradesh Economy?
8. What is the Role of International Trade?
9. Mention the main features of WTO?
10. What is occupational Distribution of population in India
11. Examine the sectoral contribution to National Income?
12. Write about the Green Revolution in India?
13. Explain the Role of NABARD in Rural Credit
14. What is the role of Territory Sector in India.
15. Elucidate the need for Environmental protection?
16. Explain the Information Technology in Andhra Pradesh
17. Write about any five welfare programmes in A.P.?
Section - C
III Answer any fifteen out of the following twenty questions: 15x2=30
18. Dual Economy
19. GATT
20. Human Development Index
21. Micro Finance
22. Unemployment
23. Rural Indebtedness
24. Consolidation of land holdings
25. Industrialisation
26. Industrial Backwardness
27. Long-term Industrial Finance
29. Civil Aviation
30. Five year plans
31. Plan Holiday
32. Balanced Regional Development
33. Rolling Plan
34. Environmental Degradation
35. Sustainable Development
36. Tertiary Sector
37. State Percapita Income
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Courtesy: Telangana Board