(Tips & Tricks) How to Deal with Exam Related Stress
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Exam Stress-A Natural Feeling... Lets Learn to Deal with it...
the most precious gift of god to mankind is the unfolding of new hopes and
desires. Each moment weighs heavy with the expectations to achieve. Each day
opens with series of challenges. The struggle to succeed with intensity and
activity thus forms the very essence of life. As Charles Darwin also suggested
that there is a natural process of selection in every field all the time.
Examinations play a important role in the process of selection of people. As
challenges are a part of one’s life at different stages, one of the challenges
during school years is learning to handle examination pressure. Surveys have
shown that large majority of school going students experience tension, worry and
stress during examinations. Therefore, equipping oneself to face these emotions
in simple ways is the wisdom to move ahead in life with a healthy competition.
Doing away with examinations is not a solution to end such tension. Competition is a part of life and cannot be eliminated. Although our immediate interest is the formal examinations we encounter in everyday academic and professional life, let us not overlook that in due course everyone realizes that living honourably is also an examination. Our success depends upon our attitude. When we are positive and take a positive outlook at what confronts us, we are successful. When we harbour doubts, we buckle. In the same way, it is important that we learn to be positive whenever we are preparing for examinations. To counteract the tension linked with it, the solution lies in developing the correct attitude towards examinations and in understanding how to deal with them more pleasantly. Our attitude and confidence will take us towards success alongwith our awareness of our own strengths and limitations.
When we say “STRESS”, it means……..
Stress in individuals is defined as any interference that disturbs a person’s healthy mental and physical wellbeing. It occurs when the body is required to perform beyond its normal range of capabilities.
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Courtesy: cbse.nic.in