Training and Mentoring of Principals of CBSE Schools in Association IIM Indore

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Training and Mentoring of Principals of CBSE Schools in Association IIM Indore


1. Programme: Leadership Development Programme

2. Programme Duration & Dates: 3 or 5 working days, on mutuatly convenient dates.
Each day woutd have 5 sessions of 75 minutes each, of which one session witt be assigned to the participants for setf-preparation/case anatysis/group work.

3. Programme Location: Indore Campus, llM Indore

4. Programme Content: An indicative coverage for the programme woutd broadty betong to the [earning set as mentioned in your letter no. CBSE/Dir(Trg)/2019/ 17908 dated October 30,2019.
However, the content may further be customized by the programme facutty team, on finatization of the programme in consuttation with CBSE, New Dethi. The programme design inctuding the facutty, session schedule, [eve[ of topics covered and training methodotogy would broadty map the participants' profite, work experience, learning and managerial capabitities and the most appropriate training output, as assessed by the programme facutty team.

5. Participant Profile: Principals and Vice Principats of Schoots Affitiated to CBSE

6. Programme Budget:
(i) 3 Dav Proqramme Fee on sinqte occupancv basis: Rs. 8,25,000/- (Rupees eight tac twenty five thousand onty). The fee inctudes course fee, programme design and coordination, course kit, reading materiat, cases, certificates & fotder, group photograph and board & todging charges. 

Board and lodging are on singte occupancy AC rooms from noon of the day before the first day to noon of the day after the [ast day of the programme. White usuatty, participants of atl programmes stay on campus, in case accommodation is not available on campus suitable alternate arrangements wi[[ be made outside the campus.

The programme fee, as above, is for a maximum of 25 participants. In case the training happens in more than one batch, each such batch witl be charged with the minimum programme fee of Rs. 8,25,000/- incorporating a maximum of 25 participants. For every additional participant over and above 25, the programme fee wi[[ be charged extra @ Rs. 33,000/- (Rupees thirty three thousand onl.y) per participant.

(ii) 5 Dav Proqramme Fee on sinsle occupancv basis: Rs. 11,75,000/- (Rupees eteven tac seventy five thousand onty). The fee includes course fee, programme design and coordination, course kit, reading materiat, cases, certificates & fotder, group photograph and board & todging charges.

Board and lodging are on doubte occupancy basis, AC rooms from noon of the day before the first day to noon of the day after the last day of the programme. White Page 1 of 3 usua[y, participants of att programmes stay on campus, in case accommodation is not avaitable on campus suitabte atternate arrangements witt be made outside the campus.

The programme fee, as above, is for a maximum of 25 participants.In case the training happens in more than one batch, each such batch witt be charged with the minimum programme fee of Rs. 11,75,000/- incorporating a maximurn of 25 participants. For every additional participant over and above 25, the prograrnme fee witt be charged extra @ Rs. 47,000/- (Rupees forty seven thousand onty) per participant. 

(iii) 3 Day Proqramme Fee on doubte occupancv basis: Rs. 7,50,000/- (Rupees seven lac fifty thousand onty). The fee inctudes course fee, programme desi gn and coordination, course kit, reading materiat, cases, certificates & fotder, group  photograph and board & todging charges. 

Board and lodging are on doubte occupancy basis, AC rooms from noon of the day before the first day to noon of the day after the last day of the programme. White usuatty, participants of atl programmes stay on campus, in case accommodation is not avaitabte on campus suitable alternate arrangements wi[[ be made outside the campus. 

The programme fee, as above, is for a maximum of 25 participants. In case the training happens in more than one batch, each such batch witt be charged with the minimum programme fee of Rs. 7,50,Q001- incorporating a maximum of 25 participants. For every additional participant over and above 25, the prograrnme fee witt be charged extra @ Rs. 30,000/- (Rupees thirty thousand onty) per participant. 

(iv) 5 Dav Proqramme Fee on doubte occupancv basis: Rs. 10,62,500/- (Rupees ten lac sixty two thousand five hundred onty). The fee inctudes course fee, programme design and coordination, course kit, reading material, cases, certificates & fotder, group photograph and board & todging charges.

Board and lodging are on doubte occupancy basis, AC rooms from noon of the day before the first day to noon of the day after the last day of the programme. White usualty, participants of atl programmes stay on campus, in case accommodation is not avaitable on campus suitabte atternate arrangements wi[[ be made outside the campus. 

The programme fee, as above, is for a maximum of 25 participants. In case the training happens in more than one batch, each such batch witl be charged with the  minimum programme fee of Rs. 10,62,500/- incorporating a maximum of 25 participants. For every additional participant over and above 25, the programme fee witt be charged extra @ Rs. 42,500/- (Rupees forty two thousand five hundred onty) per participant.

(v)  Pickup and drop charqes: Pooted Airport/ Railway station pickup and drop charges per batch witl be Rs. 37,500/- (@ Rs. 1500/- per participant). However, to avail pickup and drop the comptete itinerary of att participants has to be given to llM lndore at [east three working days prior to the commencement date of the programme.

(vi) Taxes: Taxes (GST) as appticabte witt on actua[ basis. The present rate is 18 %.

7. Payment:

(i) Terms of Pavment: 607, of the programme fee is payabte in advance at least a week before the commencement of the programme, and the batance 407o to be paid within one week of the receipt of our Invoice on comptetion of the programme.

(ii) Mode of Pavment: Att payments to be made through ECS/RTGS/NEFT onty. 

8. Certification:

llM lndore witt provide 'Certificate of Participation' to participants on successfut comptetion of the programme.

9. Validity:

This proposat is vatid onty for the programme(s) happening within the financial year ending March 31,2020.


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Courtesy: CBSE