Training and Mentoring of Principals of CBSE Schools in Association IIM Vishakhapatnam
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Training and Mentoring of Principals of CBSE Schools in Association IIM Vishakhapatnam
Proposal for Training & Mentoring of Principals and Vice Principals of Schools Affiliated to CBSE
Indian Institute of Management Visakhapatnam
PROGRAMME OBJECTIVES: This course has been designed by IIM- Visakhapatnam for principals and vice principals of CBSE schools.
The program aims to support school principals/vice-principals in attaining high levels of efficiency to manage the different stakeholders in their environment. The intent is to equip them with relevant knowledge, skills and abilities so as to create school leaders.
At the end of the program the participants will be able to:
- Lead teachers in assessing and improving lesson plans and instructional designs by incorporating 21st century skills like collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, communication, problem solving, managing information etc.
- Collect and use data to oversee the organization and resources for a safe and conducive learning environment for the students.
- Address interest and needs of staff, students and other stakeholders through communication and collaboration.
- Implement policies of various governing bodies and respond effectively to changes that impact the school.
- Model democratic value systems, moral leadership, support others to grow by creating a strategic plan to be shared and supported by other principals of their Hub.
- Motivate teachers for academic excellence and happiness by suitably providing a safe and fulfilling environment free from excessive stress.
- Manage innovations in schools through project planning, systems and management, promoting ICT use.
- Grow traits like patient listening, energetic and friendly demeanor, re-assuring nature, focused, flexible, assessable, open minded, adaptable and highly organized.
To achieve these objectives the course content has been designed to focus on three major aspects- the self, managing internal stakeholders and managing external stakeholders.
DAY 1: Personal Leadership
i. SESSION 1: Ice breaking and Introduction
ii. SESSION 2: Storytelling (Sharing of experiences)
iii. SESSION 3: Understanding Leadership I
iv. SESSION 4: Understanding Leadership II
DAY 2: Leading Groups
i. SESSION 1: Power in Groups
ii. SESSION 2: Influence in groups I
iii. SESSION 3: Influence in groups II
iv. SESSION 4: Ethics and Leadership
DAY 3: Communication for Leaders
i. SESSION 1: Understanding Communication
ii. SESSION 2: Emotional Intelligence and Communication
iii. SESSION 3: Communication for Motivation
iv. SESSION 4: Communicating Online
DAY 4: Building Organizational Culture
i. SESSION 1: Developing vision and mission for the organization
ii. SESSION 2: Perpetuating Culture
iii. SESSION 3: Culture and well being
iv. SESSION 4: Managing Organizational Change
DAY 5: Managing External Stakeholders
i. SESSION 1: Introduction to social media marketing
ii. SESSION 2: Branding through social media
iii. SESSION 3: Data driven decision making
iv. SESSION 4: Feedback and sharing best practices session
Programme Duration: 5-days fully residential programme to be delivered at IIM Visakhapatnam.
Tentative Dates: To be decided in consultation with CBSE
Pedagogy: The pedagogy employed involves effective teaching methods such as case studies, simulations, role plays, closed group analyses and applied learning projects, interspersed with lecture sessions of theory and practice. The sessions will essentially be interactive, and participants will be encouraged to engage actively in discussions, exchange knowledge and experiences and share good practices. Conducted study/sight-seeing tours would also be organized for value-addition in the evenings, to the extent permitted by the programme schedule. It is envisaged that participants as well as the sponsoring organizations would receive lasting outcomes from the learning and realize tangible return on the investment made therein.
Programme Fees: The per participant per day fee is INR 7,500 (exclusive of GST). Minimum
participation of 25 persons for the programme. The fees include:
i. Accommodation on twin sharing basis
ii. Programme kit
iii. Learning materials
iv. HBR/IVEY Cases for the participants
v. Lunch & refreshments during programme days
vi. City tour to tourist destinations of interest in Vizag.
vii. Programme Farewell Dinner (One)
viii. Local airport transfers at Visakhapatnam
Payment Terms:70% in advance of the programme and the rest 30%, within 21 days of the date of invoice, which will be raised and submitted along with a Course Completion Report.
Award of Certificate: On Successful completion of the programme the participants would be awarded a “Certificate of Participation” by IIM Visakhapatnam
Click Here for Official PDF
Courtesy: CBSE