Bihar Board Exam CLASS-12 Model Question Papers - Entrepreneurship

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Exam Name :  Bihar Board Exam CLASS-12 Model Question Papers

Subject : Entrepreneurship

Year : 2017

SET : 01
(Section) -1
(Total Marks) 28
(Total No. of Questions) 28
(Section) -2
 (Total Marks) 42
 (Short Answer Type Questions) 
 (Long Answer Type Questions) 
(Numbers of Objective question with answer are given below. 28 questions of this type
will be given in examination you have to answer all 28 questions in OMR SHEET. Each
question carries 1 mark.)
1.Opening stock is :-
(A) Source of fund (B) Application of fund
(C) No flow of fund (D) None of these
2- Responsibility of entrepreneur”s are :-
(A) Towards society (B) Towards government
(C) Towards environment (D) All of these
3- Which of following is a kind of Opportunities?
(A) First opportunities
(B) Last opportunities
(C) Existing opportunities in the environment
(D) None of these
4- Project is prepared :-
(A) By promoters B) By Managers
(C ) By entrepreneur (D) By all of these
5- Project report is a summary of :-
(A) Facts (B) informations
(C ) Analysis (D) All of these
6- At decline stage of growth :-
(A) The enterprise finds it difficult to survive.
(B) The enterprise starts incurring losses at an increasing rate.
(C) The enterprise

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Courtesy: Bihar Board