(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2024-25 : English Language and Literature

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(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2024-25 : English Language and Literature

Sample Question Paper (Term-1) 2024-25

Class : Xth

Subject: English Language and Literature

Subject Code: 184


1. Read the following text. 10

(1) Water is one of the most essential resources on Earth, yet it is often taken for granted.Despite its abundance, the reality is that only a small fraction of the world’s water is fresh and available for human use. With increasing populations, climate change, and industrial demands, the pressure on our water resources is growing. This makes water conservation not just a collective responsibility but a crucial individual duty. Each person’s effort towards conserving water can significantly impact the preservation of this vital resource for future generations 

(2) One of the primary reasons individual water conservation efforts are so important is the cumulative effect of small actions which may seem trivial on their own. However, when multiplied by millions of people, these actions can lead to substantial water savings. For example, a single dripping tap can waste over 15 litres of water a day. Imagine the water saved if every household in a city repaired just one leaky faucet. This highlights the power of collective individual actions in reducing water waste. 

(3) Moreover, personal efforts towards water conservation often lead to greater awareness and education. When individuals take steps to conserve water, they become more conscious of their water usage and the importance of this resource. This awareness can then spread within communities, inspiring others to adopt similar practices. For instance, a family that installs water-saving devices in their home may encourage neighbours and friends to do the same, creating a ripple effect. This grassroots approach to conservation can be particularly effective in areas where larger-scale initiatives may be slow to implement or lacking in support. 

(4) In addition to daily habits, individuals can also make a difference through more significant lifestyle choices. For instance, opting for drought-resistant plants in gardens and supporting water-efficient agriculture can all contribute to water conservation. Agriculture, especially livestock farming, is one of the largest consumers of water globally. By supporting sustainable farming practices, individuals can indirectly reduce the water footprint of their food. 

(5) Critics might argue that individual efforts are negligible compared to the large-scale water consumption by industries and agriculture. However, this perspective overlooks the potential for individual actions to drive systemic change. When people collectively make water-conscious choices, they send a powerful message to businesses and policymakers about the importance of conservation. 

(6) Each person’s commitment to saving water, no matter how small, contributes to a larger culture of sustainability. By making conscious choices and spreading awareness, individuals can help ensure that future generations have access to the clean, fresh water they need to thrive. Water conservation is not just the responsibility of governments and industries; it is a shared duty that begins with each of us. Created for Academic Usage / 441 words 

Answer the following questions, based on the passage above.

I In paragraph 1, what does the phrase ‘each person’s effort towards conserving water can significantly impact the preservation of this vital resource’ emphasise? 1
II Complete the following with the correct option from the two given.Water is often taken for granted, despite its essential nature because . 
a) it is abundant and always easily accessible, making people less aware of its usage
b) its importance is not always recognised, leading people to overlook its value (paragraph 1) 1
III Support the writer's idea that small individual actions towards water conservation are not trivial. (paragraph 2) 2
IV Select the option that best reflects the concept of a ‘ripple effect’ in the context of student life at school.
a) A student’s act of volunteering at a local charity leads to the school administration organising a large-scale fundraising event.
b) A student who consistently follows good study practices inspires classmates to improve their own study routines, creating a culture of academic excellence in the class. (paragraph 3)  1
V State whether the following statement is True or False. (paragraph 3) 1
VI The writer mentions ‘sustainable farming practices’ in paragraph 4.

Which of the following is a sustainable farming practice?
A. Using chemical fertilizers and pesticides extensively to increase crop yields.
B. Clearing large areas of natural vegetation to expand farmland for organic farming.
C. Implementing crop rotation and using organic compost to maintain soil health.
D. Relying solely on monoculture farming to maximise production efficiency.


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