CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : English (Core)
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CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 :
English (Core)
CBSE Class-12 Marking Scheme for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : English Core (Delhi)
1/1/1 |
1/1/2 |
1/1/3 |
(DELHI–2017) |
1 |
1 |
1 |
COMPREHENSION PASSAGE NOTE: No mark(s) should be deducted for mistakes in usage and grammar, spelling, or word limit. Full marks may be awarded if a student has been able to identify the core ideas. If a student literally lifts a portion of the given passage as an answer to a question, no mark(s) to be deducted for this as long as it is relevant. |
(a) |
(a) |
(a) |
(iv) what we can learn from the routines of geniuses |
1 mark |
(b) |
(b) |
(b) |
(i) followed a perfect daily routine |
1 mark |
(c) |
(c) |
(c) |
(i) they had unique life styles |
1 mark |
(d) |
(d) |
(d) |
(ii) a creative inspiration |
1 mark |
(e) |
(e) |
(e) |
a squeaky hinge |
1 mark |
(f) |
(f) |
(f) |
needed a secret place so that nobody disturbed him / could work on his creation uninterruptedly |
1 mark |
(g) |
(g) |
(g) |
his music declined when street lamps under which he worked were turned off |
1 mark |
(h) |
(h) |
(h) |
that she could do her work / had time to do her work |
1 mark |
(i) |
(i) |
(i) |
he could concentrate on writing (as he did not have to starve) |
1 mark |
(j) |
(j) |
(j) |
follow a routine |
1 mark |
(k) |
(k) |
(k) |
peep |
1 mark |
(l) |
(l) |
(l) |
squeaky |
1 mark |
2 |
2 |
2 |
COMPREHENSION PASSAGE NOTE: No mark(s) should be deducted for mistakes in usage and grammar, spelling, or word limit. Full marks may be awarded if a student has been able to identify the core ideas. If a student literally lifts a portion of the given passage as an answer to a question, no mark(s) to be deducted for this as long as it is relevant. |
(a) |
(a) |
(a) |
(iii) Amomon |
1 mark |
(b) |
(b) |
(b) |
(iv) the healing power of cinnamon |
1 mark |
(c) |
(c) |
(c) |
Sri Lanka |
1 mark |
(d) |
(d) |
(d) |
“traded right up there with silver” |
1 mark |
(e) |
(e) |
(e) |
inner bark of cinnamon tree / stripped from the bark |
1 mark |
(f) |
(f) |
(f) |
used in sweetened cereals / in baked goods and sprinkled on various foods/ sprinkled on yoghurt. |
1 mark |
(g) |
(g) |
(g) |
reduces serum glucose / reduces triglycerides / reduces LDL cholesterol / reduces total cholesterol in people |
1 mark |
(h) |
(h) |
(h) |
slows down glucose absorption within intestines / stimulates insulin production/ normalizes blood glucose levels (indirectly decreases weight gain) |
1 mark |
(i) |
(i) |
(i) |
fragrant |
1 mark |
(j) |
(j) |
(j) |
harvested |
1 mark |
3 |
3 |
3 |
NOTE MAKING • If a student has attempted only summary or only notes, due credit should be given. • 1 mark allotted for the title to be given, even if a student has written the title either in Q3(a) or Q3(b) |
• Content must be divided into headings and sub-headings
The notes provided below are only guidelines. Any other title, main points and sub-points may be accepted if they are indicative of the candidate’s understanding of the given passage, and the notes include the main points, with suitable and recognizable abbreviations. Complete sentences are not to be accepted as notes.
Numbering of points may be indicated in different ways, as long as a consistent pattern is followed.
Distribution of Marks
Title 1 mark
Content (minimum 3 headings and sub-headings, with proper
indentation and notes) 3 mark
Abbreviations / Symbols (with /without key) – any four 1 mark
Accept the notes and summary in the third person. Suggested Notes:
Title: The Great Protective Wall / The Great Wall of China or any other suitable title
A. Introduction
i. largest man made monument
ii. only one visible from space
iii. many gave lives for the construction
B. Physical Description
i. series of towers
ii. made of
a) stone
b) brick
c) earth
d) wood etc
iii. built along Dandong to Lap Lake
iv. several walls built in 7CBC
C. Purpose of The Great Wall
i. protected Chinese states and empire against raids
ii. border control
iii. imposition of duties on goods
iv. regulation and encouragement of trade
v. controlled
a) immigration
b) emigration
(b) (b) (b)
The summary should include all the important points given in the notes.
Content 2 marks
Expression 1 mark
SECTION B: ADVANCED WRITING SKILLS NOTE: The objective of the section on Advanced Writing Skills is to test a candidate’s writing ability. Hence, expression assumes as much importance as the content of the answer. |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 marks |
Format- The format should include: ISSUING AUTHORITY/ NAME OF THE INSTITUTION, the word ‘NOTICE’, HEADING, DATE, and WRITER’S NAME WITH DESIGNATION. The candidate should not be penalized if he/she has used capital letters for writing a notice within or without a box. |
1 mark |
Content |
2 marks |
Expression |
1 mark |
Heading : [BOOK FAIR / any other relevant title] Suggested value points: - what - book fair - when – date & approx. time - where – appropriate venue - who – Social Service Club - (any other relevant detail) |
OR |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 marks |
Format – Heading |
1 mark |
Content |
2 marks |
Expression |
1 mark |
- used car for sale - physical description – model/colour/accessories - distance run / condition - contact details : Ram /Rajni - price (optional) - phone number : 12345679 - (any other relevant details) (due credit should be given to economy of words) |
5 |
5 |
5 |
6 marks |
[Note: - No marks are to be awarded if only the format is given. Credit should be given for the candidate's creativity in presentation of ideas. Use of both the traditional and the new format is permitted. Mixing of the formats is not permitted] |
Format 1. sender's address 2. date 3. receiver's address 4. subject /heading 5. opening 6. closing |
1 mark |