(Download) CBSE: Class XII Bharatanatyam Dance (Theory) Question Paper - 2020

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Question Papers For Board Examinations 2020

Class – XII

Subject – Bharatanatyam Dance (Theory)

  • Subject :- Bharatanatyam Dance (Theory)
  • Class : XII
  • Year : 2020

1. Describe in detail the life and the contribution of Sri Meenakshi Sundaram Pillai. 5
Define the ‘‘Devata hastas’’ with the shlokas. 5

2. Define the ‘‘Chaturvidha Abhinaya’’ as mentioned in the Abhinaya Darpana. Briefly define Aharya Abhinaya with respect to Bharatanatyam dance style. 5
Define ‘‘Roopaka’’ tala. Give the difference in the number of beats in ‘‘Chatusra Jaati Roopaka’’ and ‘‘Sankeerna Jaati Roopaka’’. Write a Korvai in Roopaka tala. 5

3. Define ‘‘Nattuvangam’’ and its importance in a Bharatanatyam recital set-up. Define ‘‘Yati’’. 5
Define ‘‘Nritta’’, ‘‘Nritya’’ and ‘‘Natya’’. Give any two differences between ‘‘Nritta’’ and ‘‘Natya’’. 5

4. Define ‘‘Anga’’ and ‘‘Upanga’’ ? Give the shlokas for ‘‘Anga’’. 5
Define ‘‘Laya’’. How many kinds of ‘‘Laya’’ are there ? 5

5. Define ‘‘Sthayi bhava’’. How many types of Sthayi bhavas are found ? 5
Define ‘‘Jaatis’’. How many types of ‘‘Jaatis’’ are found ? Give one difference between ‘‘Jathi’’ and ‘‘Jaati’’. 5

6. Define ‘‘Mandala bheda’’ with shloka. Give the basic difference between ‘‘Pratyaledha’’ and ‘‘Sama’’. 5

7. Choose the best option : 1+1+1+1+1=5

(i) Which one is not a ‘‘Samyuta’’ hasta mudra ?
(A) Kapota
(B) Kurma
(C) Tamrachuda
(D) Keelaka

(ii) Which one is not one of the ‘‘Nine rasas’’ ?
(A) Bhayanaka
(B) Shringara
(C) Karunya
(D) Vepathuh

(iii) How many beats will Chatusra Jaati Roopaka tala have ?
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 7
(D) 6

(iv) Which one is a type of ‘‘Yati’’ ?
(A) Pratyaledha
(B) Soochi
(C) Mridanga
(D) Sanchi

(v) Which one of the below is an aharya used in Bharatanatyam dance style ?
(A) Oddiyanam
(B) Cotton saree
(C) Facial colours
(D) Tahiya


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Courtesy: CBSE