CBSE Class-12 Exam 2020 : Question Paper (Design)

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CBSE Class-12 Exam 2020 : Question Paper (Design)

  • Subject :-Design
  • Class : XII
  • Year : 2020


(Employability Skills) 

Answer any 4 questions out of the given 6 questions of 1 mark each. 1x4=4

1. ___________ is a part of non-verbal communication. 1
(A) Gesture
(B) Discussion
(C) Speech
(D) All of the above
2. Self-motivation is the ability to control your behavior, discipline, etc. (True/False) 1
3. Compassion is feeling the other person’s pain. (True/False) 1

4. PPT file format is a popular software for making one of the following : 1
(A) Road-show presentation
(B) Slide show presentation
(C) Magic show presentation
(D) Power show presentation

5. An entrepreneur’s role is to __________ a job. 1
(A) Create
(B) Seek
(C) Negotiate
(D) None of the above

6. Green Tourism is where tourists are primarily buying ___________ . 1
(A) Products
(B) Experiences
(C) Services
(D) Pleasure

Attempt any 3 questions out of the given 5 questions of 2 marks each. 2x3=6

7. What is a Paragraph ? 2
8. What is meant by strength and weakness of a person ? 2
9. What is the shortcut key for clearing all formatting ? 2
10. S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym for ___________ . 2
11. What are green jobs ? 2


(Subject Skills)

Answer any 10 questions out of the given 12 questions of 1 mark each. 1x10=10

Write True or False for the following.

12. All design activity is social in nature. 1
13. Prototype helps to make ideas tangible, enabling designers to communicate effectively. 1
14. Similarity is not a part of Gestalt theory. 1
15. A product designer’s role is to combine art, science and technology to create new products. 1
16. Yarn count is the numerical expression which defines fineness or coarseness of a yarn. 1
17. Grinding is one of the stages of furniture production. 1
18. Styrene vapour can cause irritation to the nose, throat and lungs. 1
19. Formaldehyde and resin in plyboards may cause Asthma. 1
20. Melia Dubia is not a plywood species. 1
21. Woven fabrics are a category of fabrics that are made with interlooping of yarns. 1
22. COSHH assessments are usually carried out in plastic manufacturing industry. 1
23. The term musculoskeletal disorder also covers head injury 1 

Answer any 5 questions from the given 7 questions of 2 marks each. 2x5=10

24. What are three essential pillars of design thinking ? 2
25. Give the name of two main types of fabrics along with their compositions. 2
26. List any two common injuries and illnesses in the iron and steel industry. 2
27. Define Gestalt’s Law of Figure and Ground. 2
28. What are thermoplastics ? Write their applications. 2
29. List two equipments that should be installed in a manufacturing plant to deal with emergency. 2
30. Define product design process. 2

Answer any 5 questions from the given 7 questions of 3 marks each. 3x5=15

31. Elaborate the five phases of design thinking. 3
32. Draw a process flow chart for knitting. 3
33. Write any three advantages of cold working in comparison to hot working of metals. 3
34. Explain the risk matrix chart and show the same with a diagram. 3
35. List any three preventive measures to store dyes and chemicals in a workspace. 3
36. How does the Blow Molding Process work ? 3
37. Write any three health hazards associated with textile industry units, with their remedies. 3

Attempt any 3 questions from the given 5 questions of 5 marks each. 5x3=15

38. Explain human-centric approach to design. 5
39. What do you understand by Research and Discovery. Why is it needed in design ? 5
40. What is simple product design ? Write the basic steps for designing a product. 5
41. What is Forge Rolling ? What are the characteristics of Forge Rolling. 5
42. What are the basic elements of material selection ? Explain in detail. 5


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Courtesy: CBSE