CBSE Class-12 Compartment Exam 2019 : Question Paper- Typography & Computer Applications

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CBSE Class-12 Compartment Exam 2019 : Question Paper- Typography & Computer Applications

SECTION A — Typography

Attempt any ten questions out of questions no. 1x12.

1. What do the signs // and # indicate ? 1

2. Define a DO letter. 1

3. What is meant by blocked style of paragraphing ? 1

4. Distinguish between a Manuscript and Corrected draft. 1

5. Explain the meaning of Hyper Link. 1

6. What is a PPP ? What is its purpose ? 1

7. Define E-mail and state its advantages. 1

8. Distinguish between Intranet and Internet. 1

9. What is meant by Slide View ? How is it shown on the screen ? 1

10. Explain the meaning of a slide layout. 1

11. Explain the meaning and use of Clip Art. 1

12. What is an E-mail Account ? How will you open it ? 1

Attempt any five questions out of questions no. 13 x19.

13. Distinguish between a Business letter and an Official letter. 3

14. Explain the purpose of Office Memorandum. In which style is it written in

any Government Department ? State its essential parts. 3

15. Name the different parts of a business letter. 3

16. What is a Cell in an Excel Window and what type of data is entered in it ? 3


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