(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper 2021-22: Chemistry

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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper 2021-22 : Chemistry

Sample Question Paper (Term-1) 2021-22

Subject Name : Chemistry

Subject Code : 043

Time Allowed: 90

Minutes Maximum Marks: 40

This section consists of 25multiple choice questions with overall choice to attempt any 20 questions. In case more than desirable number of questions are attempted, ONLY first 20 will be considered for evaluation.

1.Which of the following statements is true:

(a)Melting point of Phosphorous is less than that of Nitrogen

(b)N2 is highly reactive while P4 is inert

(c)Nitrogen shows higher tendency of catenation than P

(d)N-N is weaker than P-P

 2. Which of the following is a non-stoichiometric defect?

(a)Frenkel defect

(b)Schottky defect

(c)metal deficiency defect

(d)interstitial defect

3. Identify the law which is stated as:

“For any solution, the partial vapour pressure of each volatile component in the solution is directly proportional to its mole fraction.”

(a)Henry’s law

(b) Raoult’s law

(c)Dalton’s law

(d)Gay-Lussac's Law 

 4. Pink colour of LiCl crystals is due to:

 (a) Schottky defect

 (b)Frenkel defect

 (c) Metal excess defect

 (d) Metal deficiency defect

5. Which of the following isomer has the highest meltingpoint:

(a) 1,2-dicholorbenzene

(b) 1,3 -dichlorobenzene

(c) 1,4-dicholorbenzene

(d) all isomers have same melting points

6. Which one of the following reactions is not explained by the open chain  Structureof glucose:

(a) Formation of pentaacetate of glucose with acetic anhydride.

(b) formation of addition product with 2,4 DNP reagent

(c) Silver mirror formation with Tollen’s reagent

(d) existence of alpha and beta forms of glucose.

7. Williamson’s synthesis of preparing dimethyl ether is an:

(a) SN1 reaction

(b) Elimination reaction

(c) SN2 reaction

(d) Nucleophilic addition reaction

8. Chlorine water loses its yellow colour on standing because:

(a) HCl gas is produced, due to the action of sunlight.

(b) a mixture of HOCl and HCl is produced in the presence of light

(c) HOCl and hydrogen gas is produced

(d) a mixture of HCl and ClO3 is produced, due to the action of sunlight

9. During dehydration of alcohols to alkenes by heating with concentrated H2SO4, the initiation step is:

(a) protonation of alcohol molecule

(b) formation of carbocation

(c) elimination of water

(d) formation of an ester

10. Amorphous solids are:

(a) isotropic


(c) isotopic

(d) isomeric

11. Which of the following reactions is used to prepare salicylaldehyde?

(a) Kolbe’s reaction

(b) Etard reaction

(c) Reimer- Tiemann reaction

(d) Stephen’s reduction.

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