CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : All India Scheme, Dance
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CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 :
All India Scheme, Dance
CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : Dance (Kathak)
Time allowed : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 30
Instructions : Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Describe Manipuri dance, its traditional costume and make-up.
2. Write definition of Abhinaya and explain its Angika and Vachika aspects.
3. Write in detail about the contribution of Pandit Rajendra Gangani to Kathak dance.
4. Differentiate between the following :
(a) Lokadharmi and Natyadharmi
(b) Tala and Laya
5. Notate the following :
(a) Any one Paran
(b) Theka of Dadra Taal