CBSE Class-10 Exam 2018 : Marking Scheme, English Language & Literature
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CBSE Class-10 Exam 2018 : Marking Scheme
Question Paper, English Language And Literature
CBSE Class-10 Exam 2018 : English Language And Literature
Secondary School Examination (Class-X) March-2018
Marking Scheme – English Language and Literature (184)
2/1, 2/2, 2/3
General Instructions
1. The marking scheme provides general guidelines to reduce subjectivity in
the process of evaluation. The answers given in the marking scheme are the
suggested answers. The content is thus
indicative. If the answer given by a student is different from the one given in
the Marking Scheme, but conveys the correct meaning, such answer should also be
given full weightage.
2. Evaluation is to be done as per the instructions provided in the marking
scheme. It should not be done according to one's own interpretation or any other
considerations. Marking scheme should be
strictly adhered to and religiously followed.
3. If a question has parts, please award marks on the right hand side for
each part, marks awarded to the different parts of the question should then be
totalled up and written on the left hand margin and
4. If a question does not have any parts, marks may be awarded on the left hand margin.
5. If a candidate has attempted any extra question or part, marks obtained in the best question/part should be retained and the other answer should be scored out.
6. Short type answers asking for 2 features / characteristics / points. There is a candidate who writes 2 points as directed and that too correctly whereas the other lists 5 points of which first is correct, second is incorrect, the third correct and remaining incorrect. If the suggested value points are there in a 2 marks question it should be awarded the due marks.
7. In the marking scheme, a slash (/) indicates alternative answers; any one such answer is counted as correct.
8. Brackets ( ) indicate optional information; Marks may be awarded whether the part in brackets is included or not.
9. Candidates should not be penalized if they do not follow the order of the sections / questions while answering.
10. In questions requiring word limit, no marks are to be deducted for exceeding the word limit.
11. Q.1, Q.2 and Q.8 are meant to test the comprehension of the candidates
and not the ability of expression. Full credit should be given for the correct
value points, even if the answer is not given in
a full sentence.
12. In questions consisting two or more than two marks, break up of marks should be shown separately (as suggested in the marking scheme) and then totalled.
13. Tendency to be over sympathetic / over strict in marking – in the first
instance, a candidate who should have got just 30 at the most, is awarded 33 so
that he/she passes in the said subject. On the
other hand, marks are deducted not because answers are not up to the mark, but
simply because these should not be awarded. It is to be remembered that the
evaluators are expected to use 101 point scale. This is the principle of
evaluation which evaluators should not lose sight of in actual practice.
14. As per orders of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, the candidates would now be
permitted to obtain photocopy of the Answer Book on request on payment of the
prescribed fee. All Examiners / Head
Examiners are once again reminded that they must ensure that the evaluation is
carried out strictly as per value points for each answer as given in the Marking
15. All the Head Examiners / Examiners are instructed that while evaluating the answer scripts, if answer is found to be totally incorrect, the (x) should be marked on the incorrect answer and awarded ‘0’ marks.
Click Here to Download Set-1
Click Here to Download Set-2
Click Here to Download Set-3
Courtesy: CBSE