(Download) CBSE: Class XII Capital Market Operations Question Paper - 2020
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Question Papers For Board Examinations 2020
Class – XII
Subject – Capital Market Operations
- Subject :- Capital Market Operations
- Class : XII
- Year : 2020
Answer any ten questions.
1. List the two interdependent and inseparable segments of the securities market. 1
2. State any two main objectives of establishing the securities market regulator. 1
3. What is meant by NSE Demutualised structure ? 1
4. What is meant by India VIX measure ? 1
5. Define ‘Sub-Broker’. 1
6. What is meant by a Dominant Promoter Group ? 1
7. What is meant by a Unique Client Code ? 1
8. Give the meaning of Screen-Based Trading System. 1
9. What is meant by ‘Cum-Security Holder’ ? 1
10. Define a Self-Regulatory Organization. 1
11. Define a ‘Beneficiary Owner’. 1
12. Name any two Regulators of Securities Market. 1
Answer any five questions.
13. Giving one example of each, name any two participants of securities market. 2
14. What does the index of the securities market indicate ? Explain briefly. 2
15. Describe briefly the Normal Market Open Phase. 2
16. State any four points of information that are displayed in the Market Watch on real-time basis. 2
17. Discuss briefly the features available in the NEAT system to get instantaneous market information on a desired security. 2
18. Explain briefly the functionality of basket trading. 2
19. From the following information, calculate Debt-Equity ratio : 2
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Courtesy: CBSE