Telangana State Board CLASS-12 Model Question Papers - Geography(theory)
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(Download) Telangana Board Exam CLASS-12 Model Question Papers
Exam Name : Telangana Board Exam CLASS-12 Model Question Papers
Subject : Geography(Theory)
Year : 2009-10
Time: 3 Hours
i. Answer any Five of the following questions, selecting at least one question
from each section.
ii. All questions carry equal marks.
iii. Illustrate your answers with suitable sketches and diagrams.
Section – A
(Elements of Human Geography)
1. Define Human Geography and write an essay about the evolution of Human
2. Write a Geographical note on the distribution of World Population.
3. Classify Human Occupations and write a comprehensive note on them.
4. Write short notes on any three of the following:
a. Determinism
b. Definition of Environment
c. Topical Vs. Regional Approach
d. Oceanic Biomes
e. Problems of population in developing Nations.
f. Biological Environment
Section – B
(Elements of the World Economic Geography)
5. Define Resources and explain about their classification.
6. Write about Geographical distribution of wheat crop in the world.
7. Write a Geographical essay on the distribution of cotton-textiles industry in the world.
8. Write short notes on any three of the following:
a. Intensive Agriculture
b. Factors favourable for the growth of cotton crop.
c. Types of rubber plantations.
d. Metallic minerals
e. Iron and steel industry in U.S.A.
f. Kolkata Port
Section – C
(Regional Geography of India)
9. Into how many major physical divisions India can be divided? What are they?
Write a comprehensive note on any one of them.
10. Explain the trends of growth of population in India.
11. Write about the salient features of climate of Andhra Pradesh.
12. Write short notes on any three of the following:
a. Evergreen Forests.
b. Soil Erosion
c. Nagarjuna Sagar Project
d. Factors favourable for paddy crop.
e. Coal deposits in South India.
f. Hindustan Shipyard.
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Courtesy: Telangana Board