(Olympiad) IGNOU-UNESCO Science Olympiad 2010 | Last Date : 1st August 2010
Disclaimer: This website is NOT associated with CBSE, for official website of CBSE visit - www.cbse.gov.in

The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi, India in collaboration with the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), South Asia Office in New Delhi is organizing the Science Olympiad 2010 for the South Asian Countries. The purpose of the Science Olympiad is to search the science talent in all SAARC countries.
1. The test for Science Olympiad will be conducted on 2-Tier basis.
2.First Tier test:
The First Tier
test shall be taken by all participants in the respective centres chosen by
First Tier test is an objective test for 3 hrs with equal weight for
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology in terms of test time and marks.
It is made up of
multiple choice questions with varying degree of simplicity/ hardness.
The test will
focus on the general but deep understanding of subject materials and
The test items
will be thought provoking.
There will be
negative marking for wrong choices.
Answers are to be
marked on OMR sheets for ready reckoning of marks.
3. Second Tier
From among the
participants the top (about 30 to 40 meritorious students from all SAARC
countries) will take the second Tier test by being invited to Delhi.
It will test the
participant’s higher level of understanding and problem solving capability.
Each question may
take 5-10 minutes again with equal weight for M,P,C,B.
Also there will
be a question on broader understanding of science and society, which is
restricted to 10-15 minutes.
The total
duration for this test will be 3 hrs
This test will be
held in IGNOU, New Delhi.
4. The test material i.e. syllabus is given in detail as part of this website
5. Medium of Test : The medium of objective and written test will be English.
Eligibility Criteria
The Eligible Participants:
1. Should currently (2010-2011 academic year) be enrolled at the 11th Standard/Class level in a higher Secondary School in India or its equivalent in Afghanistan, Bangladesh., Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.
2. Must have appeared and passed in the science branch (Mathematics, Physics,
Chemistry, and Biology i.e. MPCB or their equivalent) at their 10th
Standard/Class (or its equivalent) final Examination and have scored a minimum
of 70%. E.g. If your scores are M=80%; P=75%; C=65% and B=70% average score is
72.5% and you are eligible to participate.If your Scores are in grades as is
prevalent in some school board, it should be B1 and higher. In case, PCB is
considered as a single Science subject, then the average will be between
mathematics and science. Example M=85% Science=75% Average Score =80 % ,
Candidate becomes eligible
Ignou-Unesco Science Olympiad Program
Calendar of events will be:
Sl.No | Events | Date |
1 | Notification in Websites and News papers | June 02, 2010 | 2 | Last date for Registration by Participants through Schools | July 25, 2010 |
3 | Announcement of the locations of Examination Centres for Tier- I Test in this Website | August 05, 2010 |
4 | Test Tier I (Objective Test): 10:00 am-1:00pm, | August 22, 2010 |
5 | Announcement of Tier-I Test Results | September 30, 2010 |
6 | Top 30 to 40 performer-students to reach IGNOU, New Delhi | Nov. 12, 2010 |
7 | Written Test for all 30 to 40 Meritorious: 10:00am-1:00pm | Nov.13, 2010 |
8 | Talk by 5 toppers: 4 - 5:15 pm | Nov.13, 2010 |
9 | Distribution of Prizes and Awards: 10:30 am | Nov14, 2010 |
- All dates are subject to minor changes if it becomes necessary.
- IGNOU UNESCO Science Olympiad Syllabi For Class-IX-Science
- IGNOU UNESCO Science Olympiad Syllabi For Class-IX-Maths
- IGNOU UNESCO Science Olympiad Syllabi For Class-X-Science
- IGNOU UNESCO Science Olympiad Syllabi For Class-X-Mathematics
Important Instructions Before Registering On-line
1. Please make sure that you are eligible to appear in the IGNOU-UNESCO
Science Olympiad 2010.
2. Please take your recent Photograph, make a scanned image of this
photograph in PASSPORT SIZE in JPG format and store it in your computer
3. If you (Indian Candidates) are making payment of registration fee by
Bank Draft, please ensure that you have 50 /- Rupees Bank Draft made in
favour of "Raman Chair, IGNOU, New Delhi".
4. If you (Indian Candidates) plan to make payment through Credit Card ,
keep details of Credit Card ready with you.
5. Candidates belonging to Afghanistan, BanglaDesh, Bhutan, Maldives,
Nepal, Pakistan and Srilanka need not to pay any fees. Their fee will be
paid by the respective UNESCO Nation Commissions.
6. Last Date for On-line Registration is 25 July 2010.
7. In the Registration form, presently On-line, you will now be able to
indicate the City OR Town where you like to take your Tier-I Test.
Address of the exact location of your 'Test' Centre will be made known
to you in this Website on or before August 05, 2010.
Courtesy: http://scienceolympiad.ignou.ac.in